The Katelyn James Podcast Archives - Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs Online education for photographers and entrepreneur to grow and scale their businesses Tue, 09 Apr 2024 16:38:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Fix Flat R6 Images We finally found a solution! Fri, 29 Mar 2024 16:36:40 +0000 A year ago, we promised to find a solution for those who were complaining about their R6 raw files looking dull and lifeless in Lightroom. However, due to various circumstances, we couldn't deliver on that promise until now.

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The good news is that we have finally found a solution that we believe can help you bring more life and vibrancy to your R6 images.

The Problem

Many R6 users have complained of their raw files appearing flat and lackluster when imported into Lightroom. This is because Lightroom applies the Adobe Standard profile by default, which tends to strip away the vibrancy and pop that you see on the back of your camera.. this is the main problem in why you might be seeing flat R6 images.

The Solution

To solve this issue, we need to change the raw defaults in Lightroom preferences. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Lightroom preferences.
  2. Select the “Presets” tab.
  3. Under “Raw Defaults,” choose “Global.”
  4. Make sure the option is set to “Camera Settings.”

By selecting “Camera Settings” as the raw default, you’ll ensure that Lightroom applies the camera-specific profile when importing your raw files. This means that your images will look closer to what you see on the back of your camera, with more pop, vibrancy, and contrast.

Understanding the Trade-Off

While changing the raw defaults to “Camera Settings” can bring more life to your R6 images, it’s important to understand the trade-off.

When we compare an image edited with the Camera Standard profile and an image edited with the Adobe Standard profile, we notice some differences in the settings. The Camera Standard edit requires fewer adjustments in the Basic tab because it starts with a profile that already has built-in contrast. On the other hand, the Adobe Standard edit needs more tweaks to achieve the desired look!

Mastering Lightroom for Consistent Editing

For those who find themselves struggling with editing their R6 raw files, it’s crucial to have a solid foundation in Lightroom. Many users feel lost and frustrated because they lack the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve the desired results. That’s where the KJ Consistency Course comes in!

The KJ Consistency Course is designed to help photographers master the editing process in Lightroom. By understanding the full potential of Lightroom and learning how to use it effectively, you can create a consistent and cohesive editing style. This course provides valuable insights into managing consistency, achieving skin tone accuracy, and creating a portfolio that reflects your unique vision!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about editing from scratch or using the Camera Standard profile, the KJ Consistency Course can be a game-changer for you. It will equip you with the knowledge and skills to make the most out of your R6 raw files and create stunning images that stand out.

I’m excited for you to watch the video below and see if this solves your problems!

Also, if you like what you see, you can literally watch me photograph 100’s of wedding and portrait sessions by joining our KJ All Access membership for only $29/month!! Want a look at more? Try it HERE!

Have you seen some of our most popular youtube episodes?

We release brand new Youtube episodes every other week! They range from business topics, personal episodes, gear reviews, technical training and behind the scenes education! If you’ve never explored this part of our photography education, dive in now! It’s free!! Enjoy!


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Ep. 34 | How She is Booking 90+ Weddings a Year And staying sane while doing it! Thu, 21 Mar 2024 16:21:11 +0000 Kelly is an incredible wedding photographer who has been shooting 90 weddings a year. I know, it sounds unbelievable, but it's true! Kelly's success and the volume of work she handles is truly impressive.

The post Ep. 34 | How She is Booking 90+ Weddings a Year <span class="kj-subtitle">And staying sane while doing it!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.



Kelly has been a professional photographer for 13 years. What’s interesting is that for most of those years, she wasn’t involved in any photography networking groups or talking to other photographers. She was just doing her own thing, unaware that what she was doing was considered controversial in the industry! She doesn’t have an associate team, she doesn’t outsource her editing, she is doing it all!!

But HOW?! And WHY?!

But Kelly’s success wasn’t overnight. She started shooting weddings in 2012, and in her first year, she photographed two weddings. In 2016, Kelly decided to get serious about her photography business. From that point on, her numbers started to increase significantly and eventually, in 2019, Kelly made the leap to full-time photography and shot 45 weddings that year. This year she has 96 weddings booked! WOW!

The Challenges and Mindset Shifts

It’s important to note that Kelly’s journey wasn’t without its challenges. She had to overcome branding issues, consistency struggles, and a lack of style direction. But in 2016, Kelly had a mindset shift and decided to take her photography business seriously. She focused on branding, consistency, and delivering an exceptional experience to her clients.

One of the key factors in Kelly’s success is her ability to connect with people. She genuinely cares about her clients and goes above and beyond to make them feel comfortable and happy! She understands that she is in a service industry, and her focus is always on serving her clients and providing them with the best possible experience! And that is what we’re all about here, word of mouth marketing is the BEST and most inexpensive way to market yourself!

The Workload and Lifestyle

To any wedding photographer though.. this sounds crazy! How does Kelly manage shooting 90 weddings a year while maintaining a work-life balance?! It’s important to understand that Kelly’s background and previous work experiences have shaped her perspective on work. She worked a 9-to-5 job for 10 years, sacrificing a lot of her time for work! This background made her more willing to dedicate her time to her photography business.

Kelly’s approach to shooting weddings is methodical and efficient. She shoots with intention, focusing on capturing consistent images that align with her style. This allows her to limit overshooting and deliver remarkable galleries to her clients.


But how does she handle that many weddings?!

While Kelly acknowledges that her workload is demanding, she actually prefers shooting quad-header weekends (WOW!!). This allows her to have blocks of time without any weddings, providing her with a chance to rest and recharge. She also brings her laptop to weddings and does a same-day preview for her clients, showcasing some of the best images from the day! This added touch enhances the client experience and builds excitement!! We have always loved the personal touch of a same day slideshow!

I think you’ll be encouraged and challenged by this conversation! You can watch the YouTube Link above or click here to listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!


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Ep. 33 | How to Serve a Client Who Isn’t a Perfect Fit And make it a great experience Mon, 29 Jan 2024 21:03:07 +0000 Have you ever walked into a client experience and realized “oh wow, this is not what I was expecting?” ….

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You would think that this wouldn’t still happen to me after being in the industry for over 14 years and having such an established brand and ideal clients….


But it did.  And I have it captured on video!!

You can watch it HERE


Even though it wasn’t my NORMAL scenario for a wedding, I found myself really digging deep into what it takes to photograph a wedding day WELL, even when it’s not the typical KJ Style. 


I actually don’t think I’m the only photographer who has found themselves shooting something they didn’t resonate with. 


If you have ever struggled to give your BEST to a situation and truly SERVE to your fullest potential, I have a new podcast episode for you!! 


Today, I am sharing 4 tips with you on how to handle challenging situations and still give your clients an experience that is going to work in your favor, leave them talking about you and make them truly feel loved and taken care of!

My hope for today’s podcast is that you feel encouraged and empowered to go serve your clients well no matter the circumstance you are in!!

Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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Ep. 32 | The Proven Business Strategy That Hasn't Changed in 15 years Sat, 13 Jan 2024 22:16:05 +0000 The business world (and just the world in general) looks A LOT different today than it did 15 years ago when I started my business. 

The post Ep. 32 | The Proven Business Strategy <span class="kj-subtitle">That Hasn't Changed in 15 years</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.


  • Marketing is different

  • Social media is different

  • Branding is different


But as my business has changed and evolved over the years, today I am sharing with you the ONE thing that I have NEVER had to change in my business.


In fact, not only have I never had to CHANGE IT, the value of this part of my brand has INCREASED!


This means that this one aspect of my business has not only stood the test of time but it has proven to be a growing INVESTMENT into my business that continues to benefit me more and more even as the seasons change and evolve! 


I’ve recently noticed that many of our students struggle with applying this concept to their own businesses. This is a struggle for many reasons and while one podcast episode isn’t going to unveil all of the struggles and provide perfect solutions, it’s a start!!! 

This concept has literally transformed my business. I hope after listening, you’ll take some time to think about how you can apply these concepts for yourself!


Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify

Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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Ep. 31 | 2023 Year in Review Finding the Silver Lining of a Difficult Year Sat, 23 Dec 2023 21:55:50 +0000 Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year!

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Today I’m sharing some personal and business recaps in today’s Podcast episode! Per usual, I’m a little heavy on the personal side because this year has been a whirlwind of both challenges and joys.

Becoming a family of six, starting year two at the school we started, running our business, a soft launch of a new one… it’s all a bit of a blur. 


We’re excited for 2024 and have so many ideas for how we can more effectively help, serve, guide and challenge our community of amazing photographers!! 


Thank you for being here and thank you for believing in KJ Education!!! We are forever grateful for you!!!


If you’ve had a WIN this year, big or small, please let us know somehow!! Share it and tag us in the KJ Education Facebook Group, or send me a DM on Instagram!!! We love hearing from you! 


Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify

Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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Ep. 30 | How I’m Building Entrepreneurial Minded Children And You Can Too! Fri, 01 Dec 2023 20:40:15 +0000 On the Podcast, I'm sharing about how I am fostering a learning environment for my children: both in the school that we started but also at home in our day to day lives. 

The post Ep. 30 | How I’m Building Entrepreneurial Minded Children <span class="kj-subtitle">And You Can Too!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.


My goal is to build entrepreneurial minded children… which may seem crazy when my oldest is only 6 years old BUT my hope is that this episode will show you that it IS possible and give you a few practical tips on how you can instill these mindsets in your own children.


I have zero expectations that my children have to be entrepreneurs but the AMAZING character traits of an entrepreneur, I think, will benefit a child even if they don’t grow up to own their own business! 


Acton Academy West End

The school that we started called Acton Academy West End gives learners a space to put their gifts and talents into practice. Each year the learners host a Children’s Business Fair and each of them have been working hard to create a product or service that they will sell to others! They have been learning the ins and outs of selling a product, paying for materials, determining how much to charge and so much more!


I am so passionate about this that I would love for you to really listen to this podcast on how we have done this with our own children..even at six years old!


Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify


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Ep. 28 | AI vs Private Editors My Honest Thoughts Sat, 16 Sep 2023 15:15:22 +0000 On Sunday evening, I posted a reel on my Instagram about something NEW that I tried in the photography world and WOAH did it create an uproar.

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I decided to give AI editing a try and let a robot edit a senior session for me!

Aaannnddd…it was AMAZING. I mean, I am so impressed with how it turned out that I shared about it publicly and I didn’t think twice about it….. 


But then the texts came….

and the DM’s…..

And the emails…..


Some were kind…..

Some were not….


But overall, they were all coming from a place of fear and anxiety.

These messages were from private editors who are terrified that their livelihood is going to be taken away from them and I understand that. How scary to have a technological advancement come onto the scene and threaten what you do for a living. 

It’s understandable that my reel sparked a new level of uncertainty. However, it also sparked a realization for me….. 


These editors are so crippled in fear that they can’t see the opportunity. They only see pain, problems and panic.


Again, that’s understandable….

So what do I do? Promise to never post about AI again in fear that photographers may choose AI over working with a private editor? 

Or do I try my best to be the leader these editors need me to be and not shy away from the hard conversations? Hiding from this issue isn’t going to empower anyone to conquer it….

It will just delay their chance to rise above it. 


The lessons I’ve been learning in my own life about resistance and surrender perfectly tied into the struggle that was happening in all of the private editing communities since Sunday. 


After talking with my own editor (who I have partnered with in the past to champion private editors!), other leaders in the editing space and friends who make six figures editing for other photographers, I knew that this podcast episode was needed. 


If you are a private photo editor and feel like you are about to ‘lose everything’, you’ll want to tune it today. 

I want you to know that this episode was recorded and then RE-RECORDED late in the evenings this week. The goal is to provide hope and a new perspective while also allowing editors to be seen in the midst of the struggle of this season. 


I love you all and we’re in this together. Here’s to new possibilities and challenging ourselves to think beyond the fear! 

Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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Ep. 27 | The Do’s and Don’ts of a WorkCation! how I get away to get work done Wed, 30 Aug 2023 15:50:07 +0000 Today’s Podcast is a mix of exactly what I hoped that this podcast would become….

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A place to share stories and growth as a mom, wife, business woman and serial entrepreneur!


If you’re new here, I’m a mom of 4 kids ages 6, 4, 2, and 6 months. I’m also the face and visionary of a multi-million dollar business and we co-founded a rapidly growing school in our community. 


…It’s a lot….. 

…It’s also wonderful……

…But it’s overwhelming….

…And yet so rewarding. 


Our life is so full and we love it but I have found that my mega-tasks on my to-do list keep getting pushed back day after day. I hit the point where I looked at these tasks and said, “I don’t know if this is ever going to happen!” 


That’s where the concept of a “workcation” comes in.


…I needed a personal retreat where I was not needed by anyone to focus on my most vital tasks and so I made it happen. 


It took work and planning and it was an investment of time, childcare costs and a hotel stay but I got the majority of my work done and I learned a VALUABLE lesson during my time away! 


In today’s podcast episode I’m sharing what worked, what didn’t and my big takeaway that is allowing me to have more organization and grace with my weekly to-do list! 


If you’re struggling to balance the demands of your personal life with the demands of your business, this may be just what you need!!


Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!


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Ep. 26 | 3 Tips for Building Something From Nothing And how we started an Acton Academy Fri, 11 Aug 2023 16:25:54 +0000 Today’s episode has two purposes! The second part is for any business owner!

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I have been asked so many times HOW to start a school like we have! We launched a micro-school last fall for our children and our community and it’s been such an amazing success! You can learn more about it HERE! 

So, there is a section of this episode dedicated to helping others know the first steps to take to start their own but there is ALSO something in this episode that applies to EVERYONE in business! 



  • Want to be viewed as luxury or more high-end in your brand? 
  • Want to pivot?
  • Want to re-emerge online after some time off? 
  • Want to have content when business is slow?! 


This episode is for you! 


Believe it or not, I actually find it FUN and CHALLENGING and even EASIER to create content when I have very little to work with!! 


I’ve learned this is actually a secret to successfully marketing when you’re either just getting started or business is slow and content is hard to find! 


So, dive into this episode because I’m sharing some tips for anybody who is potentially pivoting, tweaking or re-marketing from a dead place in their business.


Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify


Ps. If you’re a photographer that knows you need MORE than just some help with social media content in order to look legit and professional, I have a FREE CLASS that will teach you the foundational principles that will give you higher quality, natural light images the very next time you shoot! ENJOY! 


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!



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Ep. 25 | Tears of Freedom in the Target Parking Lot And what it made me realize Fri, 28 Jul 2023 02:43:55 +0000 I get a lot of emails asking about what my schedule looks like.. how do I manage being a wife, mama to 4 busy kids, running a business, a school, and so many other things?!.. 

The post Ep. 25 | Tears of Freedom in the Target Parking Lot <span class="kj-subtitle">And what it made me realize</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.


And the truth is.. there isn’t a concrete schedule that I can make to get it all done!


Some days it looks like complete chaos, some days it looks like a nice balance… and then other days it’s more chaos. 


This week, Michael was out of town and I was solo parenting four kids and trying to do all the things AND find time to work and it just all felt like a failure. 


I found myself in tears in the Target parking lot……


But then I had a realization that completely shifted my thinking and my state of overwhelm and I’m sharing it during the SECOND HALF of this most recent podcast episode! 


The FIRST HALF of the podcast is geared towards the tech lovers that appreciate some technical Q&A from the comments on our most recent Youtube video (about Primes, Zooms and compositional hurdles!) 


So today on the Podcast, there’s a little bit of everything…photography questions, life updates, encouragement for those running a business, and some honesty about how not every day looks perfect. 


Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify


We’ve also had a lot of people reach out about the Mastermind for high-level online entrepreneurs (think “online educators/product producers”) but for many, the mastermind is not quite what they’re ready for.  


I didn’t have plans of doing anything beyond the high-level mastermind but the interest in understanding the beginnings of growing a business online is shockingly high and I’d love to create an opportunity to help. So, we’re working on a solution!  If you’re interested in learning more, you can join the waitlist HERE


**Again, just to clarify…. If you’re wondering what it takes to sell content/education/products/even scalable services online…. This would be a great fit!** 


If you’re wanting photography education, you need to be a part of my monthly coaching calls! I just did one yesterday for over an hour and a half with 70+ students and it was amazing!! The conversations in those calls are what PHOTOGRAPHERS need who are desiring photography based business coaching! 


You can be a part of these calls two different ways:

Purchase the KJ Business Collection Course!

Become an All Access Member!


If you are joining, I’ll see you on my screen next month to chat!! 


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!



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Ep. 24 | High Level Conversations How Conversations Have Changed Our Business Mon, 17 Jul 2023 16:49:06 +0000 On the Podcast, I am giving you insight on some conversations that have completely changed my business. These two conversations…

The post Ep. 24 | High Level Conversations <span class="kj-subtitle">How Conversations Have Changed Our Business</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.



“Katelyn you need 4, $100,000 income streams as a wedding photographer that’s turning into an educator.”


“Katelyn, you are sitting on a multi million dollar gold mine.”


…completely changed the vision I had for my business and pushed me to realize that there is so much more waiting for me.


My response was…”HOW!?” and they didn’t give me answers, they set the tone for me to dig in and challenge myself. And I did! I figured out what they saw in me and I made those visions come to life!


So, what was so powerful about those conversations? I recently had an experience that reminded me.


We were at the lake with some dear friends this past week and they are also high level business owners. While it is exhausting chasing 12 kids 6 and under around at the lake during the day, we sit down at night and our conversations are inspiring, encouraging and also challenging. These talks challenge me in both life AND business! I walk away ready to try new things, encouraged to shut down what isn’t working and open to new possibilities!! 


I’ve noticed that these conversations are DIFFERENT from normal business conversations in three ways and I’m sharing those three ways on today’s podcast episode! 


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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Ep. 23 | Escaping the Endless Scroll How Social Media Can Affect Our Creativity Mon, 03 Jul 2023 15:56:24 +0000 Social media has pros and cons, but it can be so easy to go down the rabbit hole of the scroll. I feel less creative & engaged if I am consuming more content than I am creating!

The post Ep. 23 | Escaping the Endless Scroll <span class="kj-subtitle">How Social Media Can Affect Our Creativity</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.


On the podcast, I am : 


  • Recapping Youtube thoughts from last week

  • What’s happening in our personal life

  • Lastly, the idea that we have to create more than we consume

Have you ever had a wedding where not one, but two groomsmen pass out? This wedding was a way for me to show up confidently as a photographer and reassure our bride and groom that they would still get their dream wedding day, despite hiccups and ambulances! You can watch HERE! I’m telling you, it was a crazy day!


Now onto my thoughts on personal life and this idea of “we have to create more than we consume…” I have realized that if I follow this concept then my content just starts flowing effortlessly. If I spend less time looking at what everyone else has created and consuming everyone else’s stuff, I start seeing freedom, inspiration, new ideas and EXCITEMENT filter back into my life!


This came after I started noticing this pattern : 


  1. I get excited about something

  2. I feel creative

  3. I start digging into something 

  4. Then…life gets crazy.


So then I don’t get motivated and start scrolling on Instagram. I start surviving instead of THRIVING. I start believing lies that I have nothing left to offer BUT the truth is I have plenty to offer but I have to pour into myself, not consuming other people’s content because that will not give me ideas for my content! I want to share the content that I am EXCITED about and what inspires me, not because I am looking at other people’s stuff. The world does not need more stuff.


Friend, if you are an entrepreneur and you spend more of your time consuming other people’s thoughts, tips, advice of what you should and shouldn’t be doing, not only are you not giving yourself space to create your own content, you are going to be anxious because there is no way to listen and put into practice all the things you’re thrown at when you are scrolling. 

Would love for you to join me in this conversation about how we can create our OWN content and stop consuming from everyone else! Be sure to listen to the whole podcast to hear my thoughts on what I am doing about this so that I can be a better business owner, wife, mom, friend! Let’s not be addicted to the “scrolling” world and be excited and inspired again!

Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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Ep. 22 | The Gift of AI on our Mental Health A different take on AI…. Mon, 19 Jun 2023 14:27:22 +0000 We’ve all heard the grumblings and praise of AI. In our industry you’ll hear anything from “This thing is insane, man!” to “Photography is now a dying art”. 

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On the podcast, we have a collection of good thoughts, updates and a conversation about AI features in Adobe products! … Specifically, Photoshop! 


I’ve had all sorts of thoughts about AI…. but what’s fascinating is that the more I consider what’s going to happen to our industry, the more I realize that my brain wants to default to FEAR… even when I’m trying to be optimistic.


It’s a soundtrack, a pattern, a cycle that us humans are naturally wired to fall into. We want to self-protect and control the narrative of what happens to us and it takes WORK and INTENTIONALITY to be able to notice when we’re spiraling into only believing in ONE OPTION and ONE OUTCOME! 


The more I sat with my thoughts on AI and observed how others are reacting, the more I realized this season in our industry is giving photographers a new opportunity to do THREE THINGS! 


  1. Name the lie

  2. Notice my spiraling

  3. Think of NEW possibilities!!


And in the words of Alexander Hamilton… just you wait. 


I think the future of our industry is going to lean deeper into authenticity because the lack of reality will be SO prevalent!! 


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!


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Ep. 21 | My $1,000 Mistake, Marriage Lessons & Our 1st Year of School Update! Thu, 01 Jun 2023 15:09:05 +0000 I want this podcast to be a place where you come to have more of a conversation with me about what's going on in our day to day life!

The post Ep. 21 | My $1,000 Mistake, Marriage Lessons & Our 1st Year of School Update! <span class="kj-subtitle"></span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.



I thought I would take the pieces of my life that everyone is engaging with on instagram stories and put it into a podcast episode! Instead of hearing me talk on one topic for 45mins, I’m giving you life updates, business updates, things we’re learning in marriage, parenting, etc. It’s just one big stream of consciousness and you’re either going to love it or hate it! 


In this  “State of the Union” style podcast episode you’ll hear me share about : 


  • An update on our wedding photography business! 
  • The end of our first year with Acton Academy! (A micro-school we started for our kids and our community!)
  • Marriage…we just got home from a powerful marriage retreat with our transformational life coach, Julia Wood with Beautiful Outcome! We’ve had some amazing realizations in our marriage and my hope is that what I share will help others who may be stuck in some of the same areas!
  • Plus an overall look at what our life looks like right now! … Enjoy! 


My goal for this style of podcast is to feel more conversational, more real life and to be able to share like I used to on my blog (back in the day!)! So! Feel free to let us know what you think, what is most helpful, what you want more of and how we can serve you in the best way possible!



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Ep. 20 | Re-Defining Mentorship re-defining and re-purposing what I am capable of Thu, 18 May 2023 15:47:58 +0000 I have come to realize that there have been so many people in my life who have shaped me and called me up to be the mom, wife, business owner, photographer I am today. I am sharing why I think mentorship is so valuable to every individual and invite you to consider who is helping you learn and grow!

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Lately, I have had a lot of realizations that I think might be helpful if you find yourself in a season of feeling like, “am I contributing to other people’s lives, is anyone contributing to mine, am I truly in community with people, am I providing value to other people?” You also might be wondering, “Katelyn, what do these realizations have to do with my business or being a photographer?” 


People Need People. 


We are coming out of a very disconnected season where the pandemic caused us to stay in our own little bubble. But there is so much power in connection and as a business owner, there is SO much you can contribute or you can come to realize that you have had great mentors in your life and you never thought you did! It could also be that you desire mentorship and this connection with someone!


In this episode, I am going to break down:


  1. What does it really mean to be mentored
    • We are inviting someone in to speak into us and help us in areas that we may struggle in and we are not seeing
  2. What I assumed mentorship looked like
    • I thought that someone had to be older than me, meet with me at a set time every week and constantly tell me what needs “fixed”
  3. Why do we need a mentor and why is it important
    • I believe we were designed for it; we were not meant to do things alone!
    • My desire for mentorship is based very heavily in my faith background but as a business owner, we have had so many people speak into our business to tell us what’s working and not working. I believe this is so important for learning and growing
  4. What freedom has come from my recent new understanding of mentorship and how its defined in my life
    • There are many different types of mentors in my life but what each person has done is called me up as a wife, mom, photographer and business owner


From a career and business perspective, it is so healthy to have a mentorship relationship because you are going to constantly be challenged to grow and you are constantly going to have someone that is going to give you a wider perspective on things. Mentorship in business allows you to not have to figure everything out on your own in a very healthy way. 


I have believed many myths about what a mentor is but defining my own definition of what a mentor is has helped me realize that there are so many different people that have helped me grow and learn to be the mom, business owner, wife and photographer I am today. I would encourage you to consider who is in your corner, mentoring you and helping you in this life.


Speaking of mentorship, there is a way for me to be connected to you as a mentor, to learn from watching me do what I love and have monthly calls to connect! 


KJ All Access is the most AFFORDABLE way to have community, BTS content and access to a mentor!!! I love getting to share solutions, ideas and advice in this group on a monthly basis! Just today, a new piece of content dropped with advice for photographers struggling with booking, their brand and pricing!! 


These pieces of content have been released just in the last 30 DAYS!!! 





Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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Reflecting on the Life of Baby James – 5 Years Later 5 years after our darkest season… Fri, 05 May 2023 11:48:51 +0000 I am sharing one of the GREATEST stories of my life. The greatness comes out of the suffering that we experienced 5 years ago when we learned that our son, James Michael Alsop, would pass away due to complications from down syndrome. 

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If you have been around the KJ community for a while, you have probably heard me mention our sweet son that we lost in 2018.  


Our sweet boy taught us more about life, purpose, pain and trusting God more than anything else in this world. 


The way that I parent, the way I run my business, the wife I am to Michael, and overall the woman I am is completely different because of what God taught us through losing our son. Baby James’ life points us directly to God and how He can use the greatest suffering of losing a child to bring us closer to Him and the purpose He has for our life.


Now, I realize not everyone is going to want to listen to this. Not everyone is going to agree with this…. And honestly, not everyone will appreciate this. 


… But isn’t that what we do in business? We share who we are and we build a brand around our story and it attracts those that appreciate it and gain value from it. 


If you find it hard to connect to our story of loss and faith, then simply listen to this episode through the lens of “This is Katelyn being genuinely true to herself and her story within her brand and I can learn from that!”. 


The secret to a great brand is fully knowing yourself and then unabashedly sharing that with the world. This is an example of me doing that. I will always use my story and my experiences to help change other’s lives and that is something that every human has an opportunity to do. So let this podcast episode not only encourage you if you’re walking through pain but also challenge you to use your own story to impact others.


I hope you enjoy! Happy 5th Birthday to our Baby James!


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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Ep. 18 | Life and Business with Shay Cochrane our first podcast guest! Thu, 20 Apr 2023 16:28:23 +0000 Shay is a dear friend, fellow business owner, believer, photographer, wife, mom and visionary. Her story is one of my favorites because her convictions about her time, her balance, and her business constantly call me up to a higher level of intentionality. She's the perfect example of what it looks like to have a friend that breathes life and new inspiration into your life!

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I am talking with my dear friend Shay Cochrane on the podcast! Shay is our FIRST guest on the Katelyn James podcast and what a breath of fresh air she is. 

Shay is a dear friend, fellow business owner, believer, photographer, wife, mom and visionary. Her story is one of my favorites because her convictions about her time, her balance, and her business constantly call me up to a higher level of intentionality. She’s the perfect example of what it looks like to have a friend that breathes life and new inspiration into your life! After reading that, doesn’t it make sense why she would be the FIRST GUEST on the podcast?! 

Our conversation focuses on life and business! We discuss how Shay needed a shift in her business so she could HAVE FUN serving her clients!  Don’t we all want that in our business?! 

Shay moved from wedding photography into commercial photography which then led her into creating Social Squares which is a stock image membership specifically for female entrepreneurs! She is creative, fun, smart, business savvy and ultimately pivots her life for the sake of her life! 

Shay chooses her lifestyle and then builds her life around the definition of what she wants her life to look like. Phew. Talk about INSPIRING!

In this episode, you’ll hear us talk about how she makes this statement possible as a wife, mom and business owner and how it can apply to all of us! She shares with us the boundaries she and her husband have created so that at the end of the work day, they are fully present with their family. Shay shares with us how her past experiences have shaped her into the hard working business woman and loving mom she is today! Thank you Shay for your transparency, boldness and your deep friendship! It was an honor to have you on as our very first guest of the Katelyn James Podcast!


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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Ep. 17 | The HEART Behind KJAA 2.0 I knew I needed to pivot Thu, 06 Apr 2023 17:01:12 +0000 It’s hard to believe that we are in our FIFTH year of offering our behind-the-scenes membership to our students, aka, KJ All Access!

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 KJ All Access is a membership program where photographers can join and watch me photograph weddings and portrait sessions each month for the cost of a few Starbucks drinks!

This idea of KJ All Access just came to me in the middle of the night at 1 am and I had a goal of making it ONE year of offering this membership. I thought to myself, “I think this would be successful if a few photographers joined us each month to watch me behind the scenes.” And here we are years later and still thousands of photographers are joining us every month to be a part of KJ All Access! This membership has completely changed our business for the better…it has brought in so much more financially than I ever thought, we have connected with so many photographers which I love, etc, etc!


About 2 years ago, I started to dread creating content for KJ All Access. I was ready to call it quits…


I KNEW I NEEDED TO PIVOT… but I didn’t. Why fix something that wasn’t “broken”?


This is a common occurrence for business owners but I think many overlook the signs and red flags that I mention in this episode and that leads them to being “stuck”!! My hope is that this story will shed some light on the journey it has been to get me to a point where I was totally honest about what I needed to do with this part of my business!


In this episode you’ll hear me talk about:


  1. The work that went into discovering what needed to change; how I had to be honest with myself and my team that something was not working
  2. Taking a month off to find out what was missing
  3. Realizing there is so much more of me to give; I need the freedom to create freely!
  4. How I became a slave to a system that was doing ‘just fine.’
  5. Wanting a new membership site to be my “homebase” to connect with the KJ Community
  6. Last but not least, I’m hinting towards some super fun technical changes to the backend of our membership that will make our user experience more intuitive!


Just a reminder, this isn’t available YET…. But it’s coming! And I’m excited to share more next week!!!


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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