Workshops Archives - Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs Online education for photographers and entrepreneur to grow and scale their businesses Tue, 23 Mar 2021 14:09:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Workshop Experience October 2018 Tue, 26 Mar 2019 21:26:20 +0000 Well you may wonder why I'm sharing about these two workshops from the fall in March.... that's what happens when you are pregnant and then right after the workshops, you travel to speak at two conferences while simultaneously prepping to launch a massive Business Course for photographers. Oh, and help start a new service at your church and perform at a big Jazz Production that has five shows and then a couple of weeks later, it's Christmas! Oh my gosh! What a whirlwind!

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I’m currently in the final stretch of this pregnancy and I’m working hard to get my to-do list done!!! Highlighting these two workshops is something that I have been wanting to do for quite some time but it’s taken me some time to actually get it done!

I have to say, these two workshop were two of the most memorable and joyful ones that we have ever hosted! Maybe it was because we knew that these were our final workshops for a while or maybe it was just because our home was filled with the most amazing people…. maybe it was a combination of the two. We are currently in a season where our family is growing and we know that in this season, workshops have come to a close. We still use our home for industry events and client gatherings and many other things, but for right now, we’ve closed the doors to workshops and it has been an amazing journey that has brought us to this point!

I have to say a HUGE thank you to our team….

Michael, Emy, Momma (Mimi), Bobbi (Grammie), Morgan (Momo) and Claire!! You all make this process so much fun and you take so much stress off of me!! You were a gift to all of us!

KAT…. you are a lifesaver! Kat Schmoyer of Dear Sweetheart Events designed and planned not one but BOTH styled shoots and this was such a blessing to us! I love working with talented friends!! We had past clients as models for both shoots and it felt like one big reunion seeing everyone!! We even had past KJ Brides as bridesmaids!!! It was just the best!!

Meet group one!! These women are from all over the country and I just love them!! They filled our home with so much joy!! It’s so amazing that after just 48 hours together, you can start to feel like a family!!  Evy was so tiny!!!! That Romper doesn’t even fit!  This shoot was just gorgeous! From the colors to the florals by Courtney Inghram to the custom Alsop Family Crest by Jessica Marie! Here’s a full list of the amazing people and businesses that contributed to making this shoot happen!!:

Planning: Dear Sweetheart Events

Florals & Silk Ribbon: Courtney Ingrham

HMU: Glo Out Glamour Bar

Paper Details & Calligraphy: Simply Jessica Marie

Rentals: Paisley & Jade

Cakes: Sorby Sweets

Bridal Gown: Bridal Impressions

Bridesmaids Dresses: Rent the Runway

Models: Rob & Heather, Jessica, Emily

Thank you Rob and Heather for being our models! Surprise! Heather was pregnant here! We both were pregnant but it was so early on. I told my workshop girls that I was pregnant just because it was already so hard to hide it!!! Heather looked amazing and if she felt bad, you never would have known it!  They were amazing!  Thank you Jessica and Emily for modeling!!! Jessica JUST got married a few weeks prior to this shoot and Em has modeled previously for a KJ Workshop (and was a DSE Bride too!!). I’m always so honored when past couples volunteer to model for us!!!

Look at this beautiful group of girls!!! This was the sweetest group to end our Workshop season with!!! They were so full of life and excitement!! Our living room was one happy place to be when they were here and it’s always so sad to see them go!!!  These people!! They are amazing!!! I photographed Sharon and Chase’s wedding back in 2011!! They are KJ classics!!! They are also incredible people with an amazing story. I could listen to Sharon laugh all day. Emily and Jess are two KJ Brides (and past Workshop models!) that I just adore and still pinch myself sometimes that we got to be the ones who captured their days!! The only thing that could have made this better was if Mark and Bob and the babies could have been there!!! :)

Kat did an amazing job with this shoot as well and I can’t thank her enough for being willing to take all of this on the MONTH before she hosted a Creative at Heart Conference!! She’s incredible!! These are the amazing vendors I need to thank for this shoot!!! :

Planning: Dear Sweetheart Events

Models: Sharon & Chase Hundley, Emily Gerald, Jessica May

Bridal Gown: Chantilly Lace Bridals

Bridesmaids Dresses: Rent the Runway

Hair: Glam by Dana

Makeup: Angela Sutak

Flowers: Our dear friend Amanda Veronee!!! A KJ Classic workshop vendor!

Ribbon: Courtney Inghram

Rentals: Paisley & Jade

Paper and Calligraphy: Sincerely Amy Designs

Cake: Sorby Sweets

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The Workshop Experience September 2017 | Behind The Scenes Fri, 29 Sep 2017 03:07:31 +0000 We just wrapped up our FOURTH workshop in our new house!! I can't believe it! 57 Photographers from different countries and different states have spent two days in our living room during 2017, and have become a part of our family. We prayed for this space to be used in this way and all we have ever wanted is for our workshop attendees to feel at home. From home cooked meals to snuggling under blankets with Bokeh Boy, we want these photographers to feel welcomed, loved and completely comfortable. Maybe it was the gorgeous styled shoot or the perfect weather or the fun group of photographers, but this one was one of my favorites!

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As I scrolled through these images from behind the scenes, I felt overwhelmingly grateful for this year. I still can’t believe that we have the opportunity to do workshops like this… in a home like this. It makes me remember the night that I stayed up until 3am brainstorming how I could make my workshops different from everyone else and more “us”. I came to the conclusion that we needed to move and get a house that could hold 16 photographers in one room and you should have seen the look on Michael’s face when I told him.  Basically, my 3am idea led to selling our house and we’ve never looked back!

Years later, we absolutely love this aspect of our business. I’m thankful for new friendships and the gift of being able to help 12 women move closer towards their business goals!!!! Enjoy these behind the scenes pictures of our final 2017 workshop!!!!!

Gotta give that girl some snuggles before I hand her off to her grandma’s for the whole day! That’s the only sad part of workshops… missing Evy!! My sister makes the most amazing home-cooked meals for our attendees!!!
How AMAZING is this SHOOT!!! I told Kat that I wanted it to be different with fall tones and a romantic feel and oh man did she deliver just that!!! I can’t thank these vendors enough! :


Rentals: @paisleyandjade

Flowers: @courtneyinghram

Cakes: @sorbysweet

Dress: @annalisebridal , @misshayleypaige

Planning / Styling: @dearsweetheartevents

Hair & Makeup: @glo_out_glamour_bar

Paper & Hand-lettering: @paperandhoney

Candles: @100candles

Models: @megankelseyphotography @justinglasbrenner

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The Workshop Experience August 2017 | Behind the Scenes Mon, 21 Aug 2017 17:00:06 +0000 It's hard to believe that we have only ONE more workshop left in 2017!! 3 down and 1 to go! I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I'm proud of our KJP team! Between Me, Michael, Emy and Momma, life has changed drastically in 2017. We moved, had surgeries, had babies and have ventured into new areas of business. It would have been very easy to say "Ya know... lets put off workshops until 2018 after we have some more time to get used to this new season". But we didn't! We moved forward full force in April and haven't slowed down since!

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Now the truth is that we couldn’t have done ANY of these workshops if we hadn’t had the help of our EXTENDED team! Our families swoop in to help with our workshops in such an amazing way that our attendees constantly comment about how lucky we are to have them. They’re right! Here’s a little behind the scenes peek into what it takes to prep for a workshop! :

Emy lives 6 hours away and so she drives down Thursday night or Friday to help momma clean and buy groceries. We believe that having home-cooked meals is a huge part of why our workshops feel so inviting. My sister LOVES to cook, and she’s amazing at it. So, we do the hard work of meal planning, making massive grocery store runs, cooking three meals each day, PLUS surprise snacks and desserts! For those thinking about coming to a Workshop Experience in the future… don’t come on a diet!

So Momma and Emy prep Friday and Saturday. Sunday is when Michael’s mom comes to help with prepping attendee gift boxes, watching the babies, and helping in the kitchen. This time my brother and dad were there to help cut grass and wash windows. My sister-in-law, Morgan, and our family friend, Claire, also came to help in the kitchen and with the babies throughout the whole workshop!

It takes a village. Wow. We are so thankful for everyone who helped! Their willingness to help allows me to just focus on prepping, teaching, getting to know attendee’s names, what their story is, why they are here, and feeding my baby. Workshops while nursing are definitely different, but they are doable thanks to all of our helpers!!!! I can’t thank them enough for helping us out of the goodness of their hearts!!

I actually think that one of my favorite parts of our workshops is seeing our home used for the purpose that we built it for! Our kitchen is used to mass capacity. Our pantry is packed with stacks of bottled waters and food for the workshop meals. Our living room couch is filled with photographers from all different states. Our bonus room is where the babies hangout, and you can’t even hear them from the living room! It’s amazing! Our bedrooms are full of all of our family who spend the night and help us! Our bedroom is where our KJ Couple is getting their hair and makeup done for the shoot. Our keeping room gets transformed into a gorgeous styled shoot, and our yard is the perfect location for teaching and demonstrating my shooting style. Our long country driveway is lined with rental cars of our attendees, and our foyer is perfectly wide enough to great all 12 attendees as they arrive in clusters each morning.

Literally EVERYTHING that we hoped our house could be used for becomes a reality when these photographers arrive, and it blesses my soul!

Speaking of 12 attendees…. this was our first workshop with 12 attendees instead of 16, and it was awesome! We like the more intimate group, and that will definitely be something that we continue!!!

These photographers were the sweetest group! They opened up… they shared about their situations… they got to know one another… they learned together. It was a privilege to spend two days with them!!!

So on Day One we talk about lighting and posing, then do a styled shoot, and we end the day with Off Camera Flash. It was jam-packed, but I loved it!!! And I have some VERY special people to thank! :

Amanda Veronee is the lovely lady responsible for the gorgeous florals!

Ashlee from Ashlee Virginia Events is 34+ weeks pregnant and still styled our shoot to perfection, and I’m so grateful for her!!!! She’s a dream to work with!

Paisley and Jade : Morgan from Paisley and Jade has been one of our SWEETEST supporters over the last several years, and we just love this company!!

Other vendors that are so amazing to us:

Attendee Calligraphy Pieces: Steph Neal Calligraphy

Hair & Makeup: Hello Darling Beauty

Dress: Sweet Caroline Styles

Rentals: Party Rental LTD

Calligraphy: Leah Letters

Paper Goods: Page Stationery

Cake: Haute Cakes

Here are some pictures that will give you a little peek into what a workshop day looks like! Again, I can’t thank these amazing vendors, attendees, and our family members enough! They are truly the VIPS!!!!!

This cracks me up Jenny!  Don’t ask! ha!  I had a picture of Micah but believe it or not, I didn’t take one of EVY?! oh my gosh! I think that’s because I was holding her every time I had a break and got to see her!

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The Workshop Experience June 2017 | Behind the Scenes Fri, 23 Jun 2017 03:30:40 +0000 It's hard to believe that we just wrapped up our second Two-Day in-person workshop in our new home. It just seems so surreal every time we welcome a new group of photographers, because this was our ultimate goal! We wanted to have land and live in the country, so that we could host workshops and friends and family, and never have to worry about parking, picky neighbors or where to do the styled shoot! This past Monday and Tuesday we hosted photographers from all across the country, and it was so wonderful!

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We felt like one big family, with our new friends all cuddled up with blankets in our living room while I taught through over 250 SLIDES of information!!! And during the styled-shoot we were able to out-run the rain and shoot in the fields surrounding our home. The heat was a little intense but the memories that were made are priceless! These new friends may or may not have seen me get way too excited about hopping into the chest-high weeds to “create foreground”!!!

I think the greatest joy of hosting our workshops is the intimacy of the experience. It’s just so different from attending a conference at a hotel or professional venue. My family was there fixing home cooked meals. The babies (Evy, plus my sister’s baby, Micah . . . we do only have one! ha!) were there. And my dad and some family friends stopped by to help and say hi! It just makes me so happy to share our life and family with these new friends.

Kat, with “Dear Sweetheart Events”, came with her team and created the most gorgeous styled shoot!  Lauren, of “Ginger and Blooms”, did incredible florals. Our former KJ couple, Grant and Emily, modeled for us!!! And “Hello Darling Beauty” did a great job with hair and makeup!!

Here are all of our amazing vendors who contributed!! So thankful for:

Hair & Makeup @hellodarlingbeauty

Hair Clip @bridesandhairpins

Flowers @lauren_gingerandblooms

Styling: @dearsweetheartevents

Paper Details: @whimsybpaperie

Calligraphy: @offthebeatenpress

Cake: @sorbysweet

Attendee Notebook and Name Tag Calligraphy : @stephnealcalligraphy

Thank you Emy, Michael, Bobbi and Momma for making the food! And thank you Jan, Jessica, Bobbi, Momma, Daddy and Emy for the team effort in keeping Evy alive, fed, snuggled, and happy!

Bokeh boy loves welcoming everyone! Sometimes a little too enthusiastically!

Lots of notes, Bokeh snuggles and couch lounging going on!

It literally rained for about 3 mins as SOON as we stepped outside and THEN cleared up!


Creating foregrounds! ……

Ta-da! I’m sure my neighbors think I’ve lost my mind!

We try to be healthy…..

But not TOO healthy! :)

Uncle Michael being bad a giving Micah screen time!


This girl! Life of the party! :)


Thank you Tyler Herrinton for this pic!!!! I love it!!!

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The Workshop Experience April 2017 | Behind the Scenes Thu, 27 Apr 2017 20:46:14 +0000 This post seems surreal to me. We have officially hosted our very first two-day workshop in our new home and it was absolutely amazing! We designed our living room, our kitchen and our keeping room to be able to host these events, and it was so much fun to see the space we created fulfill its purpose!! After reading through our post-workshop questionnaire, one of the recurring themes was how much our attendees loved how welcoming, open and inviting our home felt.

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Reading these responses made me tear up because we hoped and prayed for these photographers to have an experience that made them feel loved, cared for, and welcomed in our home.  Over the course of Monday and Tuesday of this week, our couch was full of blankets, coffee, snacks, laptops, notebooks and photographers from all over the country who had a desire to take their businesses to a new level. It was a dream come true!!! Bokeh Boy got extra snuggles from the attendees, the grandmas took care of the babies in the bonus room, Emy and Michael prepped and served all of the meals, Tyler and Ashley documented the whole event, and I taught for over 18 hours!! Everyone had a job and did it well! I’m so very thankful for my team! I couldn’t do this without them and would never want to. I have always wanted our workshops to make people feel at home and so we make sure that we serve home-cooked meals, provide plenty of blankets in the living room, and include our families in the process!!!

I was editing through the headshots that I took for our attendees on day two of the workshop, and I couldn’t help but be so grateful for the chance to be a part of their lives. Some of these friends are in a season of wanting to charge more so that they can slow down. Some are just getting started and are hoping to go full time one day. Some of them are adjusting to running a business with a new baby, and some are so over-worked that they are ready to get organized and start outsourcing. These new friends left our home with full notebooks and a fresh perspective on their business and where they are headed!!

I told the workshop girls over and over again that they were seriously one of our BEST groups to date! They loved being around one another, and they loved their time with us so much that they didn’t want to leave, and I didn’t blame them!! We had so much fun together and it’s so sad to see it come to an end! However, I do have an amazing recap video from Tyler just to give you all a taste of what our time together looked like!! Enjoy!!!

And PS! Our June workshop date is already sold out, but we JUST RELEASED our workshop dates for August and September 2017 and REGISTRATION IS OPEN!!! HURRY, because as of this morning, we only had a few spots left for each date!!!




Michael, Emy, Momma & Bobbi!

Tyler and Ashley Herrinton

Amanda Krovic

Ashlee Virginia Events

Amanda Veronee

Leah Letters

Hello Darling Beauty

Gottfried Design Co. 

Katelyn James Workshop Experience | April 2017 | IG Preview from The Herrintons on Vimeo.

Get EXCITED for this styled shoot! It was a DREAM!!!!!

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February 2015 Workshop | Styled Shoot Frosty Winter Wedding Inspiration Tue, 16 Feb 2016 05:30:49 +0000 Here’s what happens. I do a workshop and I get so excited about it that I share the Behind the Scenes posts almost immediately!! Then, we get to work on the styled shoot images and submit them! They get featured and we get excited all over again but we forget to BLOG them!! Ah! This shoot is from LAST February!! And this was a very special workshop for many reasons!

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First, our sweet models were Mark and Emily!! We just adore these two! Emily is a Birth Photographer (Ps. She’s hosting a workshop with Liz Cook for Birth Photography and you should check it out HERE!) and Mark is a dentist! I owe Mark BIG TIME for coming down for this shoot. Not only did he close the office early, he also drove several hours in the SNOW to model with Emily. Once he arrived, he got all dressed up and then stood in sub-zero temps and acted like it wasn’t a miserable day for a shoot!!

This leads me to the NEXT reason why it was a very special workshop! It wasn’t just 5 degrees… it was SNOWING! Because of the single digit temps and the snow, Amanda had to design everything in the garage with a space heater in order to keep the flowers from FREEZING!! Now THAT is dedication!!! WOW! We are so thankful for that girl! She works so hard for us and always makes sure our workshops happen NO MATTER WHAT!!

Enjoy some of my FAVORITES from this styled shoot and be sure to leave some love for the crew that made this happen! Everyone had to sacrifice some extra time, comfort and energy to make this a reality and we are blessed to have a team that would do that for us!!!

thank you!

Gown| Urban Set Bride
Furniture Rentals | Paisley & Jade
MUA | Emily Hudspeth
Cake |  Sorby Sweets
Florals & Styling |Amanda Veronee
Paper Flowers | Sweet Pear Paper
Calligraphy | Meant To Be Calligraphy

Also! If you’re interested in being on a specific waiting list for our next workshop, you can add your name to the list through the form below! :


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You can view the Behind The Scenes of this workshop and shoot, HERE!

To view our Equestrian Inspired Shoot at Big Spring Farm, click here! 

To sign up for our Workshop Waiting List, click here!

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Bokeh Behind the Scenes The Workshop From a Bichpoo's Perspective Thu, 04 Feb 2016 13:35:24 +0000 Bokeh boy has the power to derail absolutely ANY point that I'm trying to make while teaching at the workshop! Multiple times during our workshops, Bokeh will have what we call a "Bichon" moment where he SPRINTS into the living room with a toy flying through the air. He's basically making a scene to make sure EVERYONE still knows how cute he is! It doesn't matter how great I'm teaching, I can't help but stop and laugh at how ridiculous he's being!!!

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Bokeh Boy isn’t just the center of attention in Bichon moments, he’s also QUITE the snuggler!!! He normally picks one or two favorite people (usually the attendees with the blankets!) and snuggles right up beside them!! During breaks, he gets lots of selfie love and I realized that I’ve never really shown how much Bokeh love there REALLY is during The Workshop Experience!!! So, enjoy seeing a true Behind The Scenes peek into what BOKEH’s life is like during The Workshop Experience!!!! iPhone photo credits : All the KJ Workshop Attendees!!!

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Also! If you’re interested in getting a seat to the Workshop Experience next time and you want to have access FIRST, be sure to join the waiting list below!! This will allow you to get an email first before we send a massive email out to all 20,000 photographers on our email list!!! :

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The Workshop Experience February 2016 | Behind the Scenes Wed, 03 Feb 2016 17:06:47 +0000 I'm constantly amazed at how we seem to get the absolute BEST group of people together for our workshops!! After day two girls from Texas and VA were like besties and Bokeh had licked almost everyone in the face at least once! Personalities meshed and our attendees were quick to encourage and be patient when questions took a little longer than expected. The respect amongst this group of photographers blew me away. I always get nervous before workshops.... always.

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I think it’s safe to say that I get more nervous about 16 people coming to a workshop than speaking in front of hundreds of people. Why? Because these people invested so much money into attending the Workshop Experience. They have high expectations …. as they should. I want them to feel loved… I want them to learn as much as I can cram into two days…. I want them to feel inspired and motivated. The pressure is on! However, every time I meet each new group, my nervousness always disappears. It’s like God knows I need sweet, kind and genuine people to attend workshops in order for me to be the best version of myself!! I’m so very grateful!

This workshop was a first for us in many ways. We never thought that we would host another workshop in our home (because we thought it was going to sell fast! womp womp!) I’m grateful that we’re in our home because there’s really nothing like being at home! Bokeh boy is there, my sister can down to help, Michael’s mom was there to keep things rolling and I just feel so much cozier being in my own living room! So what was different about this workshop? Well, since we can’t do that shoot in our front yard, we decided to do it at the incredible DOVER HALL!! Dover Hall is an epic mansion right down the road from us! Amanda Veronee and Ashlee Virginia Events were incredible and the shoot was just amazing!! …. But it wasn’t just amazing because of the details or the couple or the location, it was amazing because it RAINED.

So often, workshops are perfect. They are styled to perfection and it’s EASY. Shooting in the rain isn’t easy, or perfect, or ideal…. but it’s reality.  When it started to sprinkle, I thought to myself “NO! It’s workshop day!! It can’t rain!!!!”.  Just as that thought crossed my mind, an attendee said “Well, this is actually better… because I’m learning how you would handle a hard situation!”.  She was so right! Instead of watching me shoot an easy setup, these attendees watched me execute the Plan B that I didn’t have planned. :) We went inside and had my sister hold back the dark curtains and we made magic happen even though we weren’t outside!!

This was a different workshop for us because my sister came and we didn’t cater anything!! EVERYTHING was homemade and it was incredible!! Four meals for 20 people and snacks in between! Michael, Emy and Bobbi (and Julie!) made it happen!!! I’m so very thankful for them! I’m also thankful Amanda, Ashlee Virginia Events, Emily Hudspeth, Amber and Mitchell (and amazing models!!), Dover Hall, Paisley & Jade, Meant To Be Calligraphy, Sweets By E, Miss Merkle Design and Blush H Bridal!!

To join the waiting list or be the first to receive information about the next Workshop Experience, enter your email here! :


HUGE thanks so our Sponsors as well! These attendees are THRILLED to give your products and services a try! Thank you for treating them so well!! :










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HAHA! Emy was technically hidden in the background of all of these shots inside!

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Such an amazing group!!! We love you all!

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Here are some sneak peeks!! AH!!! I can’t wait to show you more!

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Look at this good looking crew!!

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September 2015 Workshop | Styled Shoot An Equestrian Inspired Shoot at Big Spring Farm Wed, 09 Dec 2015 11:51:04 +0000 This past September we did something new. We hosted a workshop at our friend’s farm in Lexington, Virginia!! Big Spring Farm is a magical place to us and we were excited to share it with 17 other photographers at our fall Workshop Experience! People flew into Richmond and DC and some drove for HOURS and HOURS to be there! It was an incredible event! The Farm NEVER disappoints. It’s just beautiful there!!

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Our next workshop that’s happening in Richmond is sold out but we‘ll most definitely offer more in the future! This is one of our favorite aspects of the educational side of our business. We love the teaching and the instructional time with the attendees but we also LOVE the styled shoot! This shoot was a little more elaborate than normal simply because we had so much ROOM at Big Spring! The AMAZING Kaitlin Holland of The School of Styling planned and styled this shoot and it couldn’t have been more beautiful!!! I just loved her vision! And so did Style Me Pretty! They featured this shoot a few weeks ago and you can view it HERE!

Screenshot 2015-12-09 00.18.46Enjoy some of my FAVORITES from this French Equestrian inspired wedding shoot! But before you take a little scroll down the page, I have to thank these amazing people!!!! :

Floral Design: Amanda Veronee | Wedding Dress: Jim Hjelm Couture |Calligraphy: Lydia Robins Hendrix | Venue: Big Spring Farm | Event Design & Styling: Kaitlin Holland (School Of Styling) | Furniture Rentals: Paisley And Jade | Model: Brittany Anderson | Photography – Assistance: Jillian Michelle Photography | Ribbon: Adorn | Vintage Rentals: Southern Vintage Table | Catering: Chef’s CateringKatelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James PhotographyKatelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James PhotographyKatelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James PhotographyKatelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James PhotographyKatelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James PhotographyKatelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James PhotographyKatelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James PhotographyKatelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James PhotographyKatelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography Katelyn James Workshop Experience | Big Spring Farm French Equestrian Inspired Wedding Styled Shoot by Katelyn James Photography

To view our Australian Workshop, CLICK HERE!

To view other Workshop Experiences, CLICK HERE!

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2016 Workshop Registration is LIVE! Half of the Seats are Already Gone! Mon, 30 Nov 2015 05:30:31 +0000 Whew! What a year it’s been! If you have followed us for a while you probably know that our house has been on the market for …. SEVEN MONTHS. Yes. Over half of a year. It’s CRAZY. However, we still have big dreams that we can’t wait to implement once this house sells, but since God obviously has a very different opinion about the timing of all of this, we’re just learning to be patient!!! So, what does this have to do with workshop registrations?

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Well, we’ve decided that we’re going to host another workshop in our house!! The teaching will be in our home but the SHOOT is going to be at the most epic location just 3 minutes away!!! Friends, do you remember THIS WEDDING?? : the workshop experience registration 2016_6611the workshop experience registration 2016_6610the workshop experience registration 2016_6612the workshop experience registration 2016_6608 Well THIS is the venue for our styled shoot at the FEBRUARY 1st & 2nd workshop!! Ah!!! We are so excited to have 16 photographers in our home and then venturing down the street to this incredible home for a shoot on Day One!!

Our workshops are TWO DAYS and nothing is off-limits! By the end of day two I have no voice because there’s over 20 hours of teaching content!! It’s crazy! If you want to learn more about the outline of those two days and what is included, visit our WORKSHOP SITE!!!

I hate making people feel rushed… but the EARLYBIRD DISCOUNT ($150 off!) ends TONIGHT at Midnight! AND over half of the seats are already sold!!! If you’re wondering if this workshop is for you, see if some of these points below describe you:

– Did you start your business quickly & now you’re overwhelmed with your lack of systems & workflow?
– Do you know a lot about photography but NOTHING about business?
– Are you drowning in editing and your family time is suffering because of it?
– Are you paying a small fortune for advertising but not seeing any bookings in return?
– Are you attracting clients that take advantage of you and don’t respect your business?
– Are you stuck in the “friend zone”? Meaning all of your clients are friends paying little to nothing for your services?
– Is your business growing but you know you’re not where you want to be and don’t know why?
– Do you struggle with posing and tend to freeze up when it comes to directing your clients?
– Do you rely on a crazy amount of photoshop work just to make your images stand out?
– Are you receiving inquiries that always turn into a haggle?
– Do you have an online presence that isn’t doing you any favors but you don’t know how to fix it?
– Are you charging less than you’re worth and have no idea how to increase your value to clients?
– Are you wondering if you can even MAKE it in the photography world?

The list goes on and on. If you’re struggling in your business, I know it’s scary and everything seems so uncertain. However, the truth is, you deserve to have a successful business, you deserve to earn a profit… a GREAT profit! … and your family deserves more quality time than your computer screen. If ANY of this resonates with you, this workshop is FOR YOU & it will be a turning point for your business AND your life in general! We can’t wait to meet you! Get excited because this is going to be a game changer!


P.s. Want to see a few peeks into our LAST workshop?! Click HERE! Our last workshop was on a farm and now we’re moving to a country estate that (in my opinion) looks like one epic CASTLE!!

To view some past workshop’s Behind the Scene’s Posts, click  HERE and HERE!!

To view some of our past Workshop Styled Shoots, click HERE, HERE and HERE!!

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Lakeside Woodland Dinner with Floral Chandelier The Floral Collective Conference Shoot Fri, 23 Oct 2015 02:21:25 +0000 Amanda Veronee is one of those amazing women that has an idea and runs with it! It's awesome! She wanted to host a floral conference and so she made it happen!! It was an honor to document this beautiful event that ended with dinner lakeside under the stars in Amanda's backyard! It was gorgeous! The floral chandeliers were icing on the cake and I'm thrilled to share that I'm not the only one that thought it was gorgeous.... Style Me Pretty Living thought it was gorgeous as well! I'm so excited to share these images because they represent such creativity and vision.

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And you know what I love about this shoot?? It was never supposed to be featured. It was just a dinner… a BEAUTIFUL dinner. Amanda just wanted gorgeous images of her vision and Tart Event Co’s hard styling work. But the funny thing is that when creative geniuses get together, stunning things are created and then we can’t help but submit them. So we sent this to Style Me Pretty Living and they loved it too! Enjoy these images and here are all of the incredible vendor involved! :

Photography: Katelyn James Photography | Videography: Starfruit Productions | Planner: Tart Event Co.| Floral Design: Floral Collective Conference | Catering: Foode | Linens: Classic Party Rentals Of Virginia| Private Residence: Amanda Veronee’s Floral Studio | Vintage Rentals: Paisley And Jade


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The Workshop Experience September 2015 | Behind the Scenes Thu, 17 Sep 2015 04:50:35 +0000 I'm tired and I sound like I'm an 80 year old man. My voice is gone but my heart is full. This past week we did something that we have never attempted before.... we hosted our FIRST EVER, large scale destination workshop. When I mean LARGE SCALE, I mean 18 attendees instead of 12, a full blown styled shoot at a real wedding venue and over 20+ hours of teaching content! whew!! It was amazing! I'm still recovering but I'll tell you what... this is the BEST type of "tired". I'm sure some people wouldn't think that hosting 18 people for over two days and teaching non-stop would be fun but I LOVE IT.

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We started the workshop with a welcome dinner inside of the barn. Michael and Jill prepped the food and everyone got to meet one another for the first time! We had friends from CA, OK, OH, MD, NC, GA, NY, VA, DC and PA all come together for this two-day workshop! From the VERY FIRST NIGHT, I could just tell that this was going to be an amazing group. I was 100% spot on with my judgement call. Over the next two days we became our own little “tribe” of friends who all have a passion for photography, business and being creative.

We hosted this whole shindig at the incredible BIG SPRING FARM and I cannot thank Buddy and Jill ENOUGH for being such amazing hosts. (as always!) Their love for people is so evident in the way they open up their home so willingly to serve others. Just being at this gorgeous venue is an experience in and of itself and I was SO excited for our new friends to see the beauty of the spring, the mountain views, the rustic barn and the restored farmhouse!!

Day one included a massive styled shoot with a ceremony setup, a gorgeous tablescape (that we later used for a group dinner under the stars! ah!) a boutonniere bar and one amazing couple!! It kills me not to show you these images but you can keep scrolling for a sneak peek!! :) The incredible Kaitlin Holland of The School of Styling is responsible for putting this styled shoot on and we are SO thankful for not only her talent and time but also her friendship!!!

Overall, I do not think this workshop could have gone better. There were so many sweet moments where I knew that the attendees just GOT IT and that feeling is PRICELESS!! Sometimes it happened after hearing about my workflow system… another time it was during the editing demo and then for quite a few, they had their “ah-ha” moment when I demonstrated the “posing evolution”! As always, I ended my presentation with a picture of my and my dad dancing together at our wedding. I’m bawling my eyes out while hugging him as tight as I possibly can and it’s one of the most cherished pictures of my lifetime. I end with this photo because it represents so much of what we stand for. Our jobs matter. They make a difference and ultimately, if we truly care about our clients and serve them well, our jobs can actually CHANGE people’s live for the better!! THAT is what gets me excited and if I’m being honest, I’m secretly hoping that the good Lord always allows me to host workshops because I absolutely adore them!! :)

Here are some BTS shots of the workshop with some shoutouts to the incredible team that made this happen!!

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Love this!

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Oh my GOSH! This is straight out of a dream!!

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This amazing lady… she styled and planned the shoot and I’m so thankful for her!! Follow her HERE and you can thank me later!

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CUTE! :)

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Bokeh was WELL LOVED!

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Trip to the top! We took a sunset break to head to the spot with the BEST view at Big Spring!

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Yea get it Gayle! :) haha Don’t kill me for posting this! I just love it!

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Styling | The School of Styling : Kaitlin Holland

Florals | Amanda Veronee

Decorative Rentals | Paisley & Jade

Venue | Big Spring Farm

Models | Josh & Brittany Anderson

Assistants | Jill Powers & Buddy Powers

Dress, Stationary, etc coming soon!

CHEF’s Catering for the amazing meal!!


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Australian Workshop | Styled Shoot Seaside Australian Wedding Shoot | Bohemian Inspired Tue, 23 Jun 2015 06:32:07 +0000 Remember that time when we realized that we had a few friends in Australia and we decided to host a workshop!? And we did a shoot on the dunes of Adelaide?! Oh it was a dream!! You’re going to love this shoot and I still can’t believe how amazing this shoot turned out! It’s normally hard to plan a shoot on the other side of the world but not in this case. We had the most amazing group of vendors and we were blown away by their talent and support!!

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We miss our sweet friends in Australia and the exciting thing is that we’re COMING BACK!!! Ah!!!! We’re coming back to Australia in January 2016 and we cannot WAIT! The CREATIVE @ HEART conference is coming to Sydney and Brisbane in January 2016 and we’re so honored to be a part of this!! We’ve had a few questions about whether or not we’ll be hosting another workshop either in Sydney, Brisbane or New Zealand and we’re just going to be honest and say “If they ask, we will come!”. If we have some interest, we’ll most definitely work hard to try to make it happen!! WE MAY NEVER come back to Australia… I’m serious! At least not for a long time…. we’re not having kids right now…. but we can’t stay on the 5 year plan forever! (cue the baby comments) haha So this may be our last Australia adventure for a little while and we’re excited to make the most of it!!!!

Enjoy this beautiful seaside shoot from our workshop and a BIG thank you to Style Me Pretty for featuring it!! You can view the feature HERE!

Here are our TRAVEL posts and BEHIND THE SCENES post from our Australian adventure!

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Styling | By Gabrielle

Floral Design | In Bloom Floral Art

Dress | The Vintage Bridal Boutique

Stationary | Alicia From Akimbo

Makeup | Coloured Lips Makeup Artistry

Hair | Obsessed With Beauty

Location | Adelaide Beach Front

Rentals | Sash Events

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April 2014 Workshop | Styled Shoot A Watercolor Inspired Wedding Shoot Thu, 23 Apr 2015 12:31:02 +0000 It's true that it takes a small army to produce a great styled shoot. I couldn't do this on my own. I've actually tried in the past and it was extremely stressful!! I'm beyond thankful for Amanda Veronee and her willingness to style and serve!! This shoot is hands down one of my FAVORITE workshop styled shoots to date!!! I mean, you'll see what I'm talking about as soon as you scroll! Everything was just stunning and bright and fresh and FRUITY! :) It was so much fun to photograph!

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I’m so honored that Grey Likes Weddings loved this shoot just as much as we did! We’re thankful that the featured this shoot a while back! You can view that feature HERE! 

Enjoy this watercolor citrus shoot and special thanks to….. Matt and Jourdan (our fabulous models!!),  AMANDA (Florals and Styling), PAISLEY AND JADE (Decorative Rentals) , EMILY HUDSPETH (Hair and Makeup),  THE WEEKEND TYPE (Calligrapher), And the sweet gals from BELLA ROSA (The Dress!)!! Also, thanks to MOSAIC CATERING!!!watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9621 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9622 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9623 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9624 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9625watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9627 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9626 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9628 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9629 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9630 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9633watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9631 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9632watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9635 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9634 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9636 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9637 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9638 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9639 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9640 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9641 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9642 watercolor_wedding_inspired_photos_9643

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The Workshop Experience Behind the Scenes | April 2015 Fri, 17 Apr 2015 05:00:19 +0000 This workshop was different. The layout was the same, the schedule was the same, the content was the same…. but it was still different. This was the LAST workshop in our home. It was bittersweet… and I always get a little teary during workshops when I explain our heart behind our business but I was EXTRA teary at this workshop because a lot is about to change for us. I know you’re all waiting to hear our plans and you know we’re going to share…. once we can! :)

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Overall, this workshop made me sentimental… which in turn made me extra vulnerable…. which made the girls extra vulnerable… which made our time together REAL. And that’s why I loved this workshop. Besides having some great discussion and multiple heart-to-hearts, we got into the nitty gritty of business, posing, lighting approaches, marketing through blogging, creating community, office systems, and the most elaborate styled shoot to date! I mean… we had to end workshops at this house with a BANG!!

I think the other reason I was a little on the emotional side was because I kept thinking “Gosh, we haven’t even been in this house for two years yet…. and look what God has done through it!”.  He gave us this space in 2013 and almost 200 photographers have been welcomed into our home through coaching, workshops and events. That’s kind of CRAZY when you think about it!

We couldn’t have done this without our dear friends and fellow wedding vendors who made the styled shoot happen!! I literally walked out of the front door and said “Umm… I think I have a NEW FAVORITE!!!!” Wait till you see this setup friends! Amanda Veronee  is freaking amazing!! Here is the list of our friends that we owe big time!:

Amanda Veronee, Florals & Styling

Paisley & Jade, Vintage Rentals

Urban Set Bride, Gown

Posh PR (@thecarolinedoll Etsy store), balloons, day of coordination

The Buttercream Bee, Cake

Emily Hudspeth, MUA/Hair

LH Calligraphy, Scroll backdrop and invitation suite

Something Borrowed: Paper flower wall

Megan & Mitch Vaughn, Models

First Class Limo Services, Vintage 1954 Packard


Shy Myrtle Etsy Shop, Bouquet Ribbons

Caroline Birgmann Etsy Store

BIG THANKS TO: Michael and Bobbi!!! And Bokeh for behaving!… mostly.

We’re also thankful for our SPONSORS that give so much to our attendees!!:


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Fall 2014 Workshop | Styled Shoot A Glamorous Surprise Proposal Wed, 11 Mar 2015 15:30:39 +0000 The thing is, after a workshop, we submit our styled shoots and then we start planning the next one! I'm so bad at remembering to share the actual SHOOT with everyone!! This is one styled shoot you do NOT want to miss!! It's glamorous and beautiful but this was a shoot that a must BIGGER surprise in store for everyone! I knew about this. I had some warning!! After we did some posing and detail shots, it was time!

The post Fall 2014 Workshop | Styled Shoot <span class="kj-subtitle">A Glamorous Surprise Proposal</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

Samantha (our gorgeous model) had no idea this was happening. I told them that they could just interact on their own for a few minutes and I backed away. I squatted down and got in position because I knew what was about to go down! Within a matter of minutes, Samantha was being asked the most exciting question of her life!!!! Of course she said “YES” and you should have heard the SQUEALS! These workshop girls were just beside themselves with excitement! It’s not everyday that you get to photograph a real proposal during a workshop!!!! What a dream!!

It was such an honor to have a part in this special day in their lives! I am SO excited to share this with you! And a HUGE thanks to Inspired By This for featuring this a few months back!

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So gorgeous! It’s hard to believe this is our driveway!

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AMANDA : This girl…. she’s incredible! Her floral and styling work never disappoint and I’m so thankful for all of the hard work she puts into these shoots!!! She’s a life saver to me!!!

Samantha and Dustin, our models! : Thank you for not only modeling, but for allowing us to witness one of the most amazing experiences of your life!!

PAISLEY AND JADE: Your rentals totally MAKE our shoots!! I can’t wait to show you the images!!!!

EMILY HUDSPETH: This dear friend of mine is a breath of fresh air and I love having her involved! She does hair and makeup for the styled shoot and Samantha looked amazing!

KATHERINE ELIZABETH BRIDAL : Katherine came all the way from NYC to hangout with us and deliver this gorgeous gown!!! Custom made!!! She’s incredible! Checkout her work HERE! She specializes in custom wedding gowns and lingerie!

SWEET PEAR PAPER: This is my new favorite type of wedding decor!! Gorgeous paper designs!!!

THE MRS. BOX: Have you seen these vintage french velvet engagement ring boxes?! To die for! So excited that I got to shoot one during a REAL proposal!!

MEANT TO BE CALLIGRAPHY: Our stationary was gorgeous!! Loved the white on black!! So gorgeous!

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The Workshop Experience Behind the Scenes | February 2015 Thu, 19 Feb 2015 06:37:59 +0000 This workshop is one for the books! No, there weren't two proposals like last time... but there was a BLIZZARD!! ... Which was equally unexpected. We had 70 degree weather a few weeks ago and now we're looking at 7 degrees tomorrow! How is that even possible?! So when we heard that it was going to be in the 20's for our shoot, Amanda and I started brainstorming. The thing is, we can shoot in the cold! Our camera will work, the light will be fine, our fingers will work until they freeze... overall there wasn't a SHOOTING issue, it was a floral issue! You see, flowers FREEZE in 20 degree temperatures and so we had to shoot FAST!

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Thankfully, it started to snowed right towards the end and so we have some snow covered shots of the models (The Amazing Mark and Emily!!!).  After couldn’t move our fingers anymore from the cold, we headed inside and photographed the cake and did some posing demos while we thawed out! This group of girls were ah-mazing! NO ONE complained about the miserable temperatures… if anything, they were excited about it! One the second day we ran outside and took a group pic in the snow just to remember how crazy this workshop was! I loved every minute of it and I’m so thankful that these awesome ladies spent two full days with us! They are such gems in the industry and I know they are going to do big things with their businesses!!!

Once again, this only happened because of several people who selflessly serve and help us! Michael & Bobbi made everything run behind the scenes and the following vendors made our shoot happen… in the arctic temperatures!! (Amanda was literally building a floral display in the GARAGE with a kerosene heater!! crazy town!) Thank you to my dad and brother for helping Michael with the heater stuff! And thank you so much to these talented individuals! :

thank you!

Gown| Urban Set Bride
Furniture Rentals | Paisley & Jade
MUA | Emily Hudspeth
Cake |  Sorby Sweets
Florals & Styling |Amanda Veronee
Paper Flowers | Sweet Pear Paper
Calligraphy | Meant To Be Calligraphy

wedding photography workshop_8953 wedding photography workshop_8954 wedding photography workshop_8955 wedding photography workshop_8956 wedding photography workshop_8957 wedding photography workshop_8958I have to say that Bokeh boy was QUITE a hit at this workshop. Not that he isn’t usually….but he got some EXTRA attention at this one. I think it must be because of his cute haircut! :)wedding photography workshop_8959 That look on Em’s face says it all…. ” IT’S COLD!!!”wedding photography workshop_8960 wedding photography workshop_8961 Seriously love these two! A lot! So thankful for them! Mark drove down after work, in TRAFFIC just to be an awesome model for 45 mins and then drive back in a snow storm! If that doesn’t give you all star “KJ Groom” status, I don’t know what does!!!!wedding photography workshop_8963 It may have been hard to shoot because of the cold, but it was still stunning! wedding photography workshop_8964I love meal time around the table!!wedding photography workshop_8966 wedding photography workshop_8967 Love these sweet friends!!! So thankful for my time with them this week!wedding photography workshop_8968


And last but certainly not least, a HUGE thank you to our SPONSORS!!! :

We Love You!







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The Workshop Experience Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:39:25 +0000 workshop is one for the books! It mean, I knew about all of the surprises but I didn't realize just how epic they would be until they happened! We had 12 amazing women drive and fly in from all over the country for this November workshop experience! Florida, Kentucky, Texas, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Wisconsin, Georgia.... WOW!!! How incredible is that?! I'm blown away just typing those locations out!!! But not only did these awesome ladies make this an incredible workshop, there were TWO PROPOSALS!!!!! WHAT?! Not one, but TWO!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!

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How in the world can we ever top THAT?! Amanda has been styling our workshops for two years now and I honestly can’t even imagine doing this without her! She’s incredible and I’m so thankful for her talent, her friendship and her reliability! This girl NEVER disappoints!! Well, once again, she went above and beyond!! And this time, the styled shoot was extra special for her because her younger sister and her boyfriend were modeling. Not only were they modeling, there was a surprise proposal in the works!!!

I knew about this proposal for several months and it was SO hard not telling all of the workshop attendees!!!! What an exciting thing to witness AND photograph!!! Also, how many girls get to say they got engaged while wearing a WEDDING dress!? Ha! Dustin knocked it out of the park and everything about it was so perfect!!!

Now, fast forward to DAY TWO! We’ve spent all day working on all things “business” oriented and it’s time for dinner. We sit down to eat and the doorbell rings. Michael and I go to answer it because we know who it is…. It’s Lindsey’s boyfriend Logan! :) He flew in from Missouri to surprise her AND propose to her!! At the workshop!!! She was completely caught off guard and so were all of the other attendees! After the excitement died down, the girls looked at me and said “Ok! Is there ANYTHING ELSE we need to be aware of?!!!! Who else is getting engaged?!!”.  Ha! Here are some head shots of our new friends! Look at these beautiful girls!!!

It was an amazing two days with so much excitement! Here are some behind the scenes shots of the workshop! And I can’t possibly thank the following people enough for their help!!!:

Michael : He literally runs the show. I just teach! I could never do this without him!!!!!

Bobbi (Michael’s mom) : She has been a part of our workshops for YEARS now and I can’t imagine doing one without her! She shows up on Sunday to help us prep and then helps Michael with the meals and the shoot. I’m so thankful she is always so willing to help us!!

Amanda : This girl…. she’s incredible! Her floral and styling work never disappoint and I’m so thankful for all of the hard work she puts into these shoots!!! She’s a life saver to me!!!

Samantha and Dustin, our models! : Thank you for not only modeling, but for allowing us to witness one of the most amazing experiences of your life!!

Paisley and Jade: Your rentals totally MAKE our shoots!! I can’t wait to show you the images!!!!

Emily Hudspeth : This dear friend of mine is a breath of fresh air and I love having her involved! She does hair and makeup for the styled shoot and Samantha looked amazing!

Katherine Elizabeth Bridal : Katherine came all the way from NYC to hangout with us and deliver this gorgeous gown!!! Custom made!!! She’s incredible! Checkout her work HERE! She specializes in custom wedding gowns and lingerie!

Sweet Pear Paper : This is my new favorite type of wedding decor!! Gorgeous paper designs!!!

The Mrs. Box : Have you seen these vintage french velvet engagement ring boxes?! To die for! So excited that I got to shoot one during a REAL proposal!!

Also, HUGE thank you to our sponsors that spoil our attendees! So thankful for you all!!! :








THE COLLECTION By: Katelyn James

Ahhhhh!!!!!!  Magical!!!! Sweet baby Bane!!!! Love this group!!!! We had amazing weather!! Ever wondered what Bokeh boy does during workshops??  :) Ps. What the heck am I doing in the background!? Weirdo.And then she got to tell her momma!!! (Who knew about the whole thing and helped make it happen! Love this!)


We are working on a “Special Project” that requires live filming and we have decided to open up 6 seats to a live audience! I’ll be presenting and sharing about Branding and Marketing Essentials. This filming process will be two days worth of content and will take place from 10am-4pm in our home in Richmond, VA. Only 6 seats available.  To signup and learn more, CLICK HERE! 

WPPI 2015!!! We’re so excited to announce that I’m speaking again!!! I’m so honored… and nervous! :) I just wanted to let the cat out of the bag early because I’m speaking EARLY! I’m speaking on Sunday which is DAY ONE of the normal platform classes so if you’re planning on coming, fly in early! We’d LOVE to see you there!! CLICK HERE to read about my speaking topic!

NEW DATES! These dates went out over the weekend to our NEWSLETTER friends! There are only 6 workshop seats available, yikes! And only 10 Coaching Seats!! If you’re interested, grab them NOW! We’re not sure how long they will be available. You can access signups HERE! 

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