Online education for photographers and entrepreneur to grow and scale their businesses Fri, 26 Apr 2024 18:56:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Must Have Ceremony Shots You can’t miss these! Fri, 26 Apr 2024 18:54:14 +0000 There are no do-overs, or second chances while photographing a wedding ceremony, so we want to make sure we capture it all!

The post 5 Must Have Ceremony Shots <span class="kj-subtitle">You can’t miss these!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

As a wedding photographer, capturing the ceremony can sometimes feel like a challenge, with the couple simply standing at the front and the scene looking the same throughout. However, by having five go-to shots in mind, you can create a more creative and visually interesting gallery for your clients!


The Wide Shot

The first shot is the wide shot, which allows you to be more creative and capture the full picture of the ceremony.

When taking the wide shot, aim to shoot around 28mm, which allows you to see the composition in a different way. Compose the image so that the couple is in the lower third of the frame, with the chairs and any architectural or floral elements filling the rest of the frame as negative space. This shot sets the stage and allows you to capture what the entire ceremony felt like, so that even if a grandparent couldn’t attend, they can still feel like they were there.


The Groom’s Reaction

The second must-have shot is the groom’s reaction as the bride walks down the aisle. This is a crucial moment that you cannot miss, as it is often one of the most emotional and meaningful parts of the ceremony! To capture this shot, focus on the groom first, before the bride arrives, to ensure you have a shot of his reaction the moment he sees her. 

Make sure you know any rules ahead of time about where you can/ cannot be during the ceremony at a specific venue! Some churches have very specific rules. 


Side Close-Up Shots

The third essential shot is the side close-up shots of the bride and groom’s faces. These intimate, emotional moments are best captured during the vows, when the couple is typically more visually connected and expressive. Position yourself on the left side, while your second shooter covers the right side, to ensure you have multiple angles!

When taking these side shots, be patient and wait for the right moment to capture genuine emotion and connection between the couple. Avoid shots that look emotionless or disconnected, as these won’t make the final album. Balance the time you spend on these side shots with the need to get back to the center aisle for other important moments, such as the ring exchange and the kiss.


Front Row Shots

The fourth shot to capture is the reactions of the couple’s loved ones in the front row. This could include parents, grandparents, or other important guests. While you don’t want to be a distraction, try to capture the emotional moments, such as tears, laughter, or physical gestures like holding hands. This can be a challenging shot, as you need to balance capturing the emotion without being intrusive.

If the ceremony layout allows, consider using a longer lens to capture these front row reactions without being in the line of sight. Time these shots to coincide with moments when the couple is sharing their vows or other emotional parts of the ceremony.


Creative Shots

The fifth and final must-have shot is a creative, visually interesting image that pushes you as a photographer. This could involve playing with composition, using leading lines, or incorporating details and foreground elements. These creative shots can add visual interest and variety to your ceremony gallery, breaking up the more standard wide and close-up shots.

Look for opportunities during longer ceremonies when you have a bit more time to experiment. Consider focusing on details like flowers or pew designs, and then incorporate the couple into the frame in an unexpected way. These creative shots will help make your ceremony gallery stand out and showcase your artistic vision.


These 5 must-have shots are are just a starting point and you can be creative after that! I’m excited for you to dive into the whole video below and see it in action!

Also, if you like what you see, you can literally watch me photograph 100’s of wedding and portrait sessions by joining our KJ All Access membership for only $29/month!! Want a look at more? Try it HERE!


Have you seen some of our most popular youtube episodes?

We release brand new Youtube episodes every other week! They range from business topics, personal episodes, gear reviews, technical training and behind the scenes education! If you’ve never explored this part of our photography education, dive in now! It’s free!! Enjoy!


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5 must have ceremony shots

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How to Fix Flat R6 Images We finally found a solution! Fri, 29 Mar 2024 16:36:40 +0000 A year ago, we promised to find a solution for those who were complaining about their R6 raw files looking dull and lifeless in Lightroom. However, due to various circumstances, we couldn't deliver on that promise until now.

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The good news is that we have finally found a solution that we believe can help you bring more life and vibrancy to your R6 images.

The Problem

Many R6 users have complained of their raw files appearing flat and lackluster when imported into Lightroom. This is because Lightroom applies the Adobe Standard profile by default, which tends to strip away the vibrancy and pop that you see on the back of your camera.. this is the main problem in why you might be seeing flat R6 images.

The Solution

To solve this issue, we need to change the raw defaults in Lightroom preferences. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Lightroom preferences.
  2. Select the “Presets” tab.
  3. Under “Raw Defaults,” choose “Global.”
  4. Make sure the option is set to “Camera Settings.”

By selecting “Camera Settings” as the raw default, you’ll ensure that Lightroom applies the camera-specific profile when importing your raw files. This means that your images will look closer to what you see on the back of your camera, with more pop, vibrancy, and contrast.

Understanding the Trade-Off

While changing the raw defaults to “Camera Settings” can bring more life to your R6 images, it’s important to understand the trade-off.

When we compare an image edited with the Camera Standard profile and an image edited with the Adobe Standard profile, we notice some differences in the settings. The Camera Standard edit requires fewer adjustments in the Basic tab because it starts with a profile that already has built-in contrast. On the other hand, the Adobe Standard edit needs more tweaks to achieve the desired look!

Mastering Lightroom for Consistent Editing

For those who find themselves struggling with editing their R6 raw files, it’s crucial to have a solid foundation in Lightroom. Many users feel lost and frustrated because they lack the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve the desired results. That’s where the KJ Consistency Course comes in!

The KJ Consistency Course is designed to help photographers master the editing process in Lightroom. By understanding the full potential of Lightroom and learning how to use it effectively, you can create a consistent and cohesive editing style. This course provides valuable insights into managing consistency, achieving skin tone accuracy, and creating a portfolio that reflects your unique vision!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about editing from scratch or using the Camera Standard profile, the KJ Consistency Course can be a game-changer for you. It will equip you with the knowledge and skills to make the most out of your R6 raw files and create stunning images that stand out.

I’m excited for you to watch the video below and see if this solves your problems!

Also, if you like what you see, you can literally watch me photograph 100’s of wedding and portrait sessions by joining our KJ All Access membership for only $29/month!! Want a look at more? Try it HERE!

Have you seen some of our most popular youtube episodes?

We release brand new Youtube episodes every other week! They range from business topics, personal episodes, gear reviews, technical training and behind the scenes education! If you’ve never explored this part of our photography education, dive in now! It’s free!! Enjoy!


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Ep. 34 | How She is Booking 90+ Weddings a Year And staying sane while doing it! Thu, 21 Mar 2024 16:21:11 +0000 Kelly is an incredible wedding photographer who has been shooting 90 weddings a year. I know, it sounds unbelievable, but it's true! Kelly's success and the volume of work she handles is truly impressive.

The post Ep. 34 | How She is Booking 90+ Weddings a Year <span class="kj-subtitle">And staying sane while doing it!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.



Kelly has been a professional photographer for 13 years. What’s interesting is that for most of those years, she wasn’t involved in any photography networking groups or talking to other photographers. She was just doing her own thing, unaware that what she was doing was considered controversial in the industry! She doesn’t have an associate team, she doesn’t outsource her editing, she is doing it all!!

But HOW?! And WHY?!

But Kelly’s success wasn’t overnight. She started shooting weddings in 2012, and in her first year, she photographed two weddings. In 2016, Kelly decided to get serious about her photography business. From that point on, her numbers started to increase significantly and eventually, in 2019, Kelly made the leap to full-time photography and shot 45 weddings that year. This year she has 96 weddings booked! WOW!

The Challenges and Mindset Shifts

It’s important to note that Kelly’s journey wasn’t without its challenges. She had to overcome branding issues, consistency struggles, and a lack of style direction. But in 2016, Kelly had a mindset shift and decided to take her photography business seriously. She focused on branding, consistency, and delivering an exceptional experience to her clients.

One of the key factors in Kelly’s success is her ability to connect with people. She genuinely cares about her clients and goes above and beyond to make them feel comfortable and happy! She understands that she is in a service industry, and her focus is always on serving her clients and providing them with the best possible experience! And that is what we’re all about here, word of mouth marketing is the BEST and most inexpensive way to market yourself!

The Workload and Lifestyle

To any wedding photographer though.. this sounds crazy! How does Kelly manage shooting 90 weddings a year while maintaining a work-life balance?! It’s important to understand that Kelly’s background and previous work experiences have shaped her perspective on work. She worked a 9-to-5 job for 10 years, sacrificing a lot of her time for work! This background made her more willing to dedicate her time to her photography business.

Kelly’s approach to shooting weddings is methodical and efficient. She shoots with intention, focusing on capturing consistent images that align with her style. This allows her to limit overshooting and deliver remarkable galleries to her clients.


But how does she handle that many weddings?!

While Kelly acknowledges that her workload is demanding, she actually prefers shooting quad-header weekends (WOW!!). This allows her to have blocks of time without any weddings, providing her with a chance to rest and recharge. She also brings her laptop to weddings and does a same-day preview for her clients, showcasing some of the best images from the day! This added touch enhances the client experience and builds excitement!! We have always loved the personal touch of a same day slideshow!

I think you’ll be encouraged and challenged by this conversation! You can watch the YouTube Link above or click here to listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!


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Free Posing Class The KJ Way Wed, 06 Mar 2024 20:44:48 +0000 Your sessions should be working FOR you not against you!

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Wondering why don’t have any word of mouth marketing? Or your clients aren’t raving about you afterwards? It might not be that they don’t love their images, it might be the client experience!

Usually we blame uncomfortable clients and awkward poses on them.. but it might actually be that WE are the problem! Yes, you! I know it’s hard to think about but I have the solutions to this problem so you don’t get stuck in this rut again!


What You’ll Learn

I have taught posing with a free training before and I was SO overly nice about all of this. I was like “here are some tips” instead of being painfully honest and saying what’s actually true…. You don’t need another fluffy webinar,  you need someone to be honest with you….. And if I’m being honest right now, I have never been more convinced that if photographers don’t know how to make people feel truly awesome in front of their camera, they WILL suffer in business.

I want to teach you ways that you might be killing the confidence in your clients, and ways that you can WOW them before they even see the pictures. Our clients walk away raving about us before they even get a sneak peek. That’s what I want for you!


5 Tips

During this free training, I’m going to walk through 5 mistakes that I notice photographers do the most! I’ll give you solutions on how to fix it and ways to turn the experience around. These are easy things to change!! We’re not getting too complex.

By clicking the link below, you can easily sign up for a time that works for you!

Join me for this free class HERE!

If you want to watch something NOW, click below for 10 Common Posing Red Flags!

I can’t wait to see you on the inside of the FREE CLASS!



The post Free Posing Class <span class="kj-subtitle">The KJ Way</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

Mastering Manual Mode The Simple Way! Sat, 02 Mar 2024 15:27:27 +0000 Shooting in manual mode might seem complex and overwhelming at first but there is an easier way!

The post Mastering Manual Mode <span class="kj-subtitle">The Simple Way!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

Many people believe that shooting in manual mode requires managing multiple variables simultaneously, such as shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. However, I am here to tell you that shooting in manual mode doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it can be simplified to make the process more manageable.

Simplifying Manual Shooting

To demonstrate how manual mode can be simplified, I’m giving you a FREE look at one of the 34 lessons in the KJ Starter Course. This course will help you gain the necessary control to become an amazing professional photographer without feeling overwhelmed!


One Variable at a Time: My Approach to Manual Mode

When shooting in manual mode, my goal is to focus on one variable at a time. This simplifies the process and allows me to maintain control over my exposure settings. The first variable I consider is aperture, as it defines a significant part of my style. I carefully assess the subject I am shooting and determine the appropriate aperture that aligns with my desired style while avoiding any issues with soft focus or breaking the rules. Once I have chosen my aperture, I set it and forget it. This allows me to shoot with confidence, knowing that my images will have the desired depth of field.

After setting my aperture, I shift my focus to ISO. I generally keep my ISO low and only make adjustments if necessary. For example, if I am shooting in natural light with an abundance of available light, I can typically leave my ISO at a safe level (e.g., 250) without needing to change it. This eliminates the need to constantly think about ISO and allows me to concentrate on the final variable: shutter speed.

Shutter speed becomes my primary variable for controlling exposure. As long as I am shooting in ample natural light, the specific value of my shutter speed is not a major concern. The key is to avoid reaching the “guard rail” where camera shake becomes an issue. As long as I stay within a safe range, I can focus solely on adjusting the shutter speed to achieve proper exposure. This simplified approach allows me to create stunning images without feeling overwhelmed by multiple variables.


I hope this was helpful for you today!! Click below to watch the full video!

If you found this lesson helpful and want to explore more topics related to photography, the KJ Starter Course is your next best step! The course covers a wide range of subjects, including composition, editing basics in Lightroom, lighting priority plans, and more. It is specifically designed for beginner photographers or those looking to enhance their skills in the professional world.


Have you seen some of our most popular youtube episodes?

We release brand new Youtube episodes every other week! They range from business topics, personal episodes, gear reviews, technical training and behind the scenes education! If you’ve never explored this part of our photography education, dive in now! It’s free!! Enjoy!


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Manual Mode Made Easy

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Lightroom Classic Starter Guide Everything You Need to Get Started! Fri, 01 Mar 2024 20:57:07 +0000 Welcome to your Lightroom Classic Starter Guide video!

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When I went to film this video, I pretended I was walking my mom through the process of how to use Lightroom Classic! ….


Why? Because it’s hard to think back to the beginning. 


What did I not understand? What was confusing? What did no one explain to me?

I went back to my roots and created this video as if I was telling a brand new photographer the in’s and out’s of Lightroom!


I have broken down the video into chapters for you to make it easier to follow along!


I am going to show you :

  • How to import photos
  • What features I do and don’t use
  • The basic slides that build the foundation of my edits
  • New features that I love in Lightroom Classic!
  • How to export my final images
  • And so much more!


If you are asking yourself these questions:

  • “I don’t even know when I am going to get good photos” 
  • “I don’t know when I am shooting well or not shooting well” 


…then the KJ Photography Starter Course is a great place to start for you! I literally created this course around these 2 questions!!


I hope this was helpful for you today!! Click below to watch the full video!

Also, if you like what you see, you can literally watch me photograph 100’s of wedding and portrait sessions by joining our KJ All Access membership for only $29/month!! Want a look at more? Try it HERE!

Have you seen some of our most popular youtube episodes?

We release brand new Youtube episodes every other week! They range from business topics, personal episodes, gear reviews, technical training and behind the scenes education! If you’ve never explored this part of our photography education, dive in now! It’s free!! Enjoy!


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Lightroom Classic Beginner Guide

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5 Essentials Beginners Need to Go Pro and make your photography business a success! Sun, 18 Feb 2024 20:33:55 +0000 I’m breaking down the MUST-HAVE ITEMS that every photographer needs to be successful at the start of their career! 

The post 5 Essentials Beginners Need to Go Pro <span class="kj-subtitle">and make your photography business a success!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

If you’ve been in this industry for a while as a professional and you’re missing some items from this list, this is a GREAT START to get your ducks in a row!!! 

If you take amazing & beautiful photos, that doesn’t automatically mean you are going to have a successful photography business.. so what do you need?!

Here’s 5 things you need to have in order to have a professional photography business!!


1. You need to be legal!

If you are charging money, you need to be a registered business! This includes:

  • Registering with your state
  • Paying taxes
  • Insurance (gear & liability)
  • Having *legit* contracts!

These are the boring things in business but they can save you so many headaches in the long run! Our lawyer has created specific contracts that are legally sound but friendly language that sounds like me! You can get them HERE to have your butt covered!


2. Fast & Redundant Storage

I recommend having 2 solid state drives (1 TB minimum)! These are the ones I recommend!


3. Website

A website is a must for a pro photographer! You need a landing page for potential clients to get to know you, view your work and contact you! We recommend setting it up through Showit and using a template through Tonic!


4. & 5. Cloudspot

You need a legitimate way to accept payments, sign contracts, and send clients their galleries to order prints! The GREAT NEWS is that you can do all of this through Cloudspot! It is the best way to keep so many aspects of your business in one place!


Watch the full video below to hear more details about how I use these business resources and other ways to help your business be personal & professional!!



Also, if you like what you see, you can literally watch me photograph 100’s of wedding and portrait sessions by joining our KJ All Access membership for only $29/month!! Want a look at more? Try it HERE!

Have you seen some of our most popular youtube episodes?

We release brand new Youtube episodes every other week! They range from business topics, personal episodes, gear reviews, technical training and behind the scenes education! If you’ve never explored this part of our photography education, dive in now! It’s free!! Enjoy!


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The post 5 Essentials Beginners Need to Go Pro <span class="kj-subtitle">and make your photography business a success!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

Danny + Megan A Biltmore Estate Wedding Tue, 13 Feb 2024 22:35:13 +0000 Oh where do I begin? This wasn't just another wedding for me. This was a legacy KJ Wedding and I have been looking forward to it ever since my first email from Danny and Megan!

The post Danny + Megan <span class="kj-subtitle">A Biltmore Estate Wedding</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

What does it mean to be a “Legacy” wedding? I would love to explain! I first met the beautiful Webster family a decade ago when I photographed Melissa and Aaron’s wedding day at The Clifton Inn. Then, we had the honor of capturing Dan and Melanie’s gorgeous winter wedding at the Boston Library!

This past weekend, I photographed Danny and Megan’s amazing wedding at the stunning Biltmore Estate! All three sisters were KJ Brides and I just can’t express how special that is to me. It felt like the sweetest reunion as soon as I walked into the bridal suite. Mrs. Webster hugged me as if I was a family member that she hadn’t seen in a while and the sisters and I picked up right where we left off in Boston! It felt like so much had changed and yet it also seemed like nothing had changed at all. The reality is, a pandemic happened right after Dan and Melanie’s wedding, sweet Lila looks so grown up and is four years older and Megan has found the love of her life!!

 There is one other special piece to this story. ALL THREE sisters were married on Mr. and Mrs. Webster’s anniversary. I rarely book February weddings but when I do, it’s normally for a Webster sister!! :)  Beautiful portraits with the Biltmore House were captured, joyful and tearful toasts were given, memories were made and Danny and Megan were married! It was all so wonderful and I’m so sad that we have like 20 years until it’s Lila’s turn!!! :) Enjoy this recap of the day!


Ceremony & Reception | Deerpark on The Biltmore Estate

Dress Store | The Bridal Finery

Dress Designer | Ines Di Santo

Florist | Biltmore Floral

Planner | MaryBell Events

Hair & Make Up | Blush Asheville

Cake | The Biltmore Estate

Catering | The Biltmore Estate

Bridesmaids Dresses | Anthropologie

Invitations | Wouldn’t It Be Lovely

Photobooth | Zimzoom LLC

View their engagement session HERE!

The post Danny + Megan <span class="kj-subtitle">A Biltmore Estate Wedding</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

10 Red Flags in Posing And how to fix them! Fri, 02 Feb 2024 21:03:42 +0000 I’m really excited about this YouTube video because I know that it resonates with ALL photographers who photograph PEOPLE!!

The post 10 Red Flags in Posing <span class="kj-subtitle">And how to fix them!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

If you’re a pet, product or real estate photographer, your posing skills matter too but this is truly aimed towards those of us who are constantly meeting NEW PEOPLE and are needing to get them super comfortable on the other side of our lens! 


Let’s be honest for a second…. Posing requires a lot of us. 


We’re simultaneously managing:


  • Our client’s confidence
  • Our lighting, manual settings, and composition
  • The next idea or pose
  • Our own confidence
  • The overall flow of the shoot….


In the midst of this chaos, we have to also seem professional and totally sure of ourselves! 


If you’ve ever felt like a session could have been better and your posing could have been improved, this FREE video may help! I am going to break down for you 10 RED FLAGS that you may be missing in your posing experience and teach you HOW TO FIX THEM!!!!!!


They are subtle things that are easy to miss but once you are aware of them, you will really begin to polish up your posing while maintaining a close connection to your client!



Also, if you like what you see, you can literally watch me photograph 100’s of wedding and portrait sessions by joining our KJ All Access membership for only $29/month!! Want a look at more? Try it HERE!

Have you seen some of our most popular youtube episodes?

We release brand new Youtube episodes every other week! They range from business topics, personal episodes, gear reviews, technical training and behind the scenes education! If you’ve never explored this part of our photography education, dive in now! It’s free!! Enjoy!


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10 posing red flags

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Ep. 33 | How to Serve a Client Who Isn’t a Perfect Fit And make it a great experience Mon, 29 Jan 2024 21:03:07 +0000 Have you ever walked into a client experience and realized “oh wow, this is not what I was expecting?” ….

The post Ep. 33 | How to Serve a Client Who Isn’t a Perfect Fit <span class="kj-subtitle">And make it a great experience</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.


You would think that this wouldn’t still happen to me after being in the industry for over 14 years and having such an established brand and ideal clients….


But it did.  And I have it captured on video!!

You can watch it HERE


Even though it wasn’t my NORMAL scenario for a wedding, I found myself really digging deep into what it takes to photograph a wedding day WELL, even when it’s not the typical KJ Style. 


I actually don’t think I’m the only photographer who has found themselves shooting something they didn’t resonate with. 


If you have ever struggled to give your BEST to a situation and truly SERVE to your fullest potential, I have a new podcast episode for you!! 


Today, I am sharing 4 tips with you on how to handle challenging situations and still give your clients an experience that is going to work in your favor, leave them talking about you and make them truly feel loved and taken care of!

My hope for today’s podcast is that you feel encouraged and empowered to go serve your clients well no matter the circumstance you are in!!

Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

The post Ep. 33 | How to Serve a Client Who Isn’t a Perfect Fit <span class="kj-subtitle">And make it a great experience</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

Ep. 32 | The Proven Business Strategy That Hasn't Changed in 15 years Sat, 13 Jan 2024 22:16:05 +0000 The business world (and just the world in general) looks A LOT different today than it did 15 years ago when I started my business. 

The post Ep. 32 | The Proven Business Strategy <span class="kj-subtitle">That Hasn't Changed in 15 years</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.


  • Marketing is different

  • Social media is different

  • Branding is different


But as my business has changed and evolved over the years, today I am sharing with you the ONE thing that I have NEVER had to change in my business.


In fact, not only have I never had to CHANGE IT, the value of this part of my brand has INCREASED!


This means that this one aspect of my business has not only stood the test of time but it has proven to be a growing INVESTMENT into my business that continues to benefit me more and more even as the seasons change and evolve! 


I’ve recently noticed that many of our students struggle with applying this concept to their own businesses. This is a struggle for many reasons and while one podcast episode isn’t going to unveil all of the struggles and provide perfect solutions, it’s a start!!! 

This concept has literally transformed my business. I hope after listening, you’ll take some time to think about how you can apply these concepts for yourself!


Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify

Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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How to Perfect AI Editing and save more time! Fri, 05 Jan 2024 22:59:23 +0000 We've talked a lot lately about how great AI editing is and how it can be revolutionary for so many wedding and portrait photographers.

The post How to Perfect AI Editing <span class="kj-subtitle">and save more time!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.


BUT, it’s not perfect.

No matter how consistent of a shooter you are, you are most likely going to need to make slight adjustments to your edits you get back from AI. But being able to recognize WHAT needs to be changed is a skill in itself.

So into today’s video I’m going to walk you through my thought process as I fine tune a gallery from Imagen AI and show you how I can quickly take their edits and make them perfect.We’ve talked a lot lately about how great AI editing is and how it can be revolutionary for so many wedding and portrait photographers. BUT, it’s not perfect.


No matter how consistent of a shooter you are, you are most likely going to need to make slight adjustments to your edits you get back from AI. But being able to recognize WHAT needs to be changed is a skill in itself. So into today’s video I’m going to walk you through my thought process as I fine tune a gallery from Imagen AI and show you how I can quickly take their edits and make them perfect.

Wondering if Imagen AI is for you?! We have several videos on our YouTube channel already about the process of using AI editing! You can check them out HERE!

Also, if you like what you see, you can literally watch me photograph 100’s of wedding and portrait sessions by joining our KJ All Access membership for only $29/month!! Want a look at more? Try our 5 day free trial HERE!


Have you seen some of our most popular youtube episodes?

We release brand new Youtube episodes every other week! They range from business topics, personal episodes, gear reviews, technical training and behind the scenes education! If you’ve never explored this part of our photography education, dive in now! It’s free!! Enjoy!


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The post How to Perfect AI Editing <span class="kj-subtitle">and save more time!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

Ep. 31 | 2023 Year in Review Finding the Silver Lining of a Difficult Year Sat, 23 Dec 2023 21:55:50 +0000 Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year!

The post Ep. 31 | 2023 Year in Review <span class="kj-subtitle">Finding the Silver Lining of a Difficult Year</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.


Today I’m sharing some personal and business recaps in today’s Podcast episode! Per usual, I’m a little heavy on the personal side because this year has been a whirlwind of both challenges and joys.

Becoming a family of six, starting year two at the school we started, running our business, a soft launch of a new one… it’s all a bit of a blur. 


We’re excited for 2024 and have so many ideas for how we can more effectively help, serve, guide and challenge our community of amazing photographers!! 


Thank you for being here and thank you for believing in KJ Education!!! We are forever grateful for you!!!


If you’ve had a WIN this year, big or small, please let us know somehow!! Share it and tag us in the KJ Education Facebook Group, or send me a DM on Instagram!!! We love hearing from you! 


Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify

Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!

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Wedding Behind the Scenes Part Two! Tue, 19 Dec 2023 02:38:01 +0000 Can you believe how close we are to Christmas? My kids ask how many days until Christmas EVERY single day and we’re at the point where we’re just responding with “uh, it’s like really soon.” 

The post Wedding Behind the Scenes <span class="kj-subtitle">Part Two!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

And it is. 


Before we know it, our slow shooting season will be behind us and it will be time to dive into sessions and weddings all over again! 


Most of you know that I allow thousands of photographers to watch my every move during the wedding days that I photograph (and portrait sessions!). 


I’ve been letting people learn from Behind the Scenes for 5 YEARS NOW. WHAT?! 


Today, even if you’re not a member of KJ All Access, you’re going to be able to watch and learn from observing me capture a recent high-end wedding day at a CASTLE! (Well, it looks like a castle). Wedding photography is hard to learn when you’re just starting because there are no re-dos!! But with KJ All Access you can hear my thoughts and decisions on WHY I do certain things and what I have learned with over 14 years of experience.


The best part?! You get to watch this second half of the day for FREE!!! Enjoy!! 



If you missed part one, you can watch it HERE!


If you’ve ever wondered the in’s and out’s of a wedding day, this type of content is truly life-changing! It’s like getting first hand experience and training without having to leave your house!! So enjoy this special treat and Merry Christmas!!!! 


Also, if you like what you see, you can literally watch me photograph 100’s of wedding and portrait sessions by joining our KJ All Access membership for only $29/month!! Want a look at more? Try our 5 day free trial HERE!


Have you seen some of our most popular youtube episodes?

We release brand new Youtube episodes every other week! They range from business topics, personal episodes, gear reviews, technical training and behind the scenes education! If you’ve never explored this part of our photography education, dive in now! It’s free!! Enjoy!


If you want to save this for later, Pin It!!





The post Wedding Behind the Scenes <span class="kj-subtitle">Part Two!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

Ep. 30 | How I’m Building Entrepreneurial Minded Children And You Can Too! Fri, 01 Dec 2023 20:40:15 +0000 On the Podcast, I'm sharing about how I am fostering a learning environment for my children: both in the school that we started but also at home in our day to day lives. 

The post Ep. 30 | How I’m Building Entrepreneurial Minded Children <span class="kj-subtitle">And You Can Too!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.


My goal is to build entrepreneurial minded children… which may seem crazy when my oldest is only 6 years old BUT my hope is that this episode will show you that it IS possible and give you a few practical tips on how you can instill these mindsets in your own children.


I have zero expectations that my children have to be entrepreneurs but the AMAZING character traits of an entrepreneur, I think, will benefit a child even if they don’t grow up to own their own business! 


Acton Academy West End

The school that we started called Acton Academy West End gives learners a space to put their gifts and talents into practice. Each year the learners host a Children’s Business Fair and each of them have been working hard to create a product or service that they will sell to others! They have been learning the ins and outs of selling a product, paying for materials, determining how much to charge and so much more!


I am so passionate about this that I would love for you to really listen to this podcast on how we have done this with our own children..even at six years old!


Listen here : itunes

Listen here : spotify


Want to catch up on more episodes?! Listen below!



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Eddy + Tiffany A Bel Air Bay Club Wedding Tue, 21 Nov 2023 17:57:04 +0000 Wow! Just wait until you see this one! It's vibrant, romantic and full of just about everything that makes gorgeous photos! The colors, the couple the setting, the light. It was a dream day!

The post Eddy + Tiffany <span class="kj-subtitle">A Bel Air Bay Club Wedding</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

You may remember Tiffany and Eddy from their SCOTLAND engagement session back in the spring. I knew as soon as Tiffany emailed and said that they would fly to Scotland for their session that they were the epitome of an amazing KJ Couple! I was right. They are simply the best. Tiffany is a planner and so detail oriented. She wins the award for the bride with the most well-thought-out plans but you know what was amazing? Despite all of her planning, she trusted me 100% on her day. There is literally no greater gift to give a photographer than to say “I know whatever you create is what I want!”.  I feel like I hit the client jackpot here!!!

So a few days before the big day, the forecast wasn’t looking great. There was rain looming and it made everyone a little nervous. Fast forward to Saturday and it’s wedding time!! It was PERFECT outside. It was supposed to be cold and it was warm. It was supposed to be raining and it was sunny. It was supposed to be a complicated day full of checking the radar and making last minute pivots and instead, it was perfection.

Tiffany and Eddy made us smile, laugh, and remember why wedding days are so joyful. These two were made for each other and that was evident in how they basically wrote the SAME VOWS without even knowing it. The same inside jokes, the same memories, the same promises…. it was truly amazing to see how they are clearly soulmates. And the best part? I got to capture it all and meet their friends and family. Everyone made us feel so welcomed and loved!!! We were sad to leave and fly back to the other side of the country but California, you treated us well!!!

Enjoy these favorites!!! Eddy and Tiffany, you are truly the best and it was an HONOR to have you as our final KJ Couple for 2023!!!!!

Ceremony Venue | BEL AIR BAY CLUB




Lighting | TMMPRO

Draping | TMMPRO

Groomsmen Rental | BLACK TUX


Wedding Coordinator | JEN EVENTS

Wedding Designer | MILK EVENTS

Photo Booth | PIXSTER




Food Truck | IN N OUT TRUCK 


Bridesmaids Dresses | AZAZIE


View their Engagement Session HERE!

a colorful, detail heavy, beautiful Bel Air Bay Club Wedding by katelyn james photography

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The KJ Edit A powerful tool to edit quicker Sun, 19 Nov 2023 16:35:33 +0000 If you have ever thought: “What would KJ Do?!” or “I wish KJ could just edit these for me!” 

The post The KJ Edit <span class="kj-subtitle">A powerful tool to edit quicker</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.



I’m one of only ten other photographers who are releasing their Imagen AI editing profiles out into the world!! Ahh!!


So, what does this mean? 

Well, for 14 years, I have perfected the patterns and rhythms of my style within Lightroom. In August, I wanted more time with my kids and so I decided to try AI editing. I created an Imagen AI account on a whim and my life changed. Artificial intelligence studied my patterns, tendencies and preferences and created a profile that it uses to edit just as if I was the one editing! 


The craziest part? It does the job in MINUTES. 


Not hours.

Not one day. 



Is it 100% perfect all of the time? No, but it’s shockingly close and I have truly reduced my editing time by 90%. The 10% of editing I still do is just checking and making small tweaks. This profile grows and evolves and changes as it sees my tweaks and so over time, it gets stronger and stronger. 


But for now, what you need to know is…..


  • My workflow has drastically changed for the better for the first time in 14 years
  • My editing time was reduced by 90% and I have more time with my kids


If you had told me back when I started that one day I would be able to have AI edit my images with my style, get them 90% accurate, save me hours of work and then I could let thousands of photographers do the same? I would have said “That sounds crazy and completely impossible!”


Well, call it what you want. Maybe it is crazy. Maybe it is wild. Maybe it is hard to believe…. But I’ll tell you what….


I will do ANYTHING to get more time with my young children. 


This is changing photographer’s lives and I’m excited to see the ripple effect that today has on so many businesses! 


If you love the KJ Style. You are a natural light photographer and shoot in even light. If you want to cut your editing time down by 90%…. Take the leap! Check it out HERE!



P.S. Do you want to see more weddings, engagement sessions, family sessions, and senior shoots?! You can try KJ All Access for free for 5 days! Click HERE to join! 

Have you seen some of our most popular youtube episodes?

We release brand new Youtube episodes every other week! They range from business topics, personal episodes, gear reviews, technical training and behind the scenes education! If you’ve never explored this part of our photography education, dive in now! It’s free!! Enjoy!


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the kj edit


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Full Length Behind the Scenes A sneak peak into KJ All Access Fri, 10 Nov 2023 16:29:43 +0000 Have you ever wanted to stand behind me while I’m shooting?!

The post Full Length Behind the Scenes <span class="kj-subtitle">A sneak peak into KJ All Access</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

You can today! For free! It’s all waiting for you on Youtube and we’ve never done this before!! 


Our KJ All Access Members have hundreds of hours of behind the scenes training at their fingertips.. 


I realize not all of you are in All Access…. Even despite what photographers have been saying for years! :


So, we decided to try something different this week on YouTube that we have never done before in order to give some of you the true All Access experience. Today you can watch the LONGEST KJ YOUTUBE VIDEO TO DATE and learn some amazing wedding day photography skills at the very same time! 


Entertainment + Education! Such a winning combo when it comes to retaining helpful information and staying engaged!!


You can watch over 2 hours of..


My decision making

The way I interact with clients

Last minute changes

How I choose the best light

Dealing with wedding day difficulties

And so much more!!


So, ready to dive in!?  Watch here!



P.S. Do you want to see more weddings, engagement sessions, family sessions, and senior shoots?! You can try KJ All Access for free for 5 days! Click HERE to join! 

Have you seen some of our most popular youtube episodes?

We release brand new Youtube episodes every other week! They range from business topics, personal episodes, gear reviews, technical training and behind the scenes education! If you’ve never explored this part of our photography education, dive in now! It’s free!! Enjoy!


If you want to save this for later, Pin It!!


kj all access behind the scenes


The post Full Length Behind the Scenes <span class="kj-subtitle">A sneak peak into KJ All Access</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.
