Speaking Archives - Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs https://katelynjames.com/blog/category/speaking/ Online education for photographers and entrepreneur to grow and scale their businesses Thu, 17 Aug 2017 04:01:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 Speaking | Creative at Heart Round 7 | Raleigh, North Carolina | Merrimom Wynne House https://katelynjames.com/blog/creative-at-heart-conference-round-7-recap/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/creative-at-heart-conference-round-7-recap/#respond Thu, 17 Aug 2017 04:01:20 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=127603 This past month has kind of been a blur in a lot of ways. We left for Scotland three days after Evy got her harness (that we can't take off!). When we came back to the states and had a week of family vacation with our family friends at the lake. I spoke at The School of Styling that week and then we left and drove down to Raleigh, NC so that we could be a part of the Creative at Heart Conference!!! This was round 7 and we feel SO incredibly honored to have been a part of EACH ONE! I know that I shouldn't pick favorites.... but I know that I'm not alone when I say that this one was probably the BEST one YET!!! It was awesome in EVERY WAY possible!

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I actually think that this conference seemed like the best one to me for different reasons than it may have been the best for others. I didn’t realize this until right before the conference… but this was really my first real “Speaking” engagement since being a MOMMA!! Michael and I spoke together at the Connect Retreat and I had hosted two workshops but this was a conference where I was speaking solo and it was an hour long talk and it was in front of 130 people. Since I have spoken at the past 6 C@H conferences, this was a familiar feeling to me… but yet so different at the same time because there was a baby girl in the back that belongs to me.

So much of my life has changed over the last 8-10 months. I see life differently… I see my business differently… I see my priorities differently. The changes that I have experienced in my life are GOOD ones… but they are still changes. I think getting up in front of other peers in our industry and teaching was a reminder that “I’ve still got it!”. haha I still love speaking… I still love educating… I still love being a creative… I may have changed in a lot of ways… but I still love this part of my life and our business. I think I just needed to be reminded of that.

At the end of my talk, I asked if there were any questions… and only ONE girl raised her hand. She asked if we could bring Evy up to the front so that they could all see her!!! I laughed and obliged. She got in front of everyone and smiled and I melted. The fear of not being relevant because I have entered a new stage of life slowly faded away that day. In fact… the exact opposite seemed to be true.

I’m thankful for this conference. The venue, the attendees, the food, the location, the speakers, the content, the details… it was all top notch. Kat, you and your team did it again girlfriend!!! Congrats on your best conference YET!!!!!

Sooo… I didn’t take my camera. Yep. I don’t take my big camera to a lot of conferences these days and it’s because it stresses me out. I don’t need it. I know that I can recap this experience with my iPhone and be satisfied with that! However, I DID have a few moments of regret when I saw how adorable the details were! So, that’s when the iPhone 7 Portrait Mode comes into play! I took several “detail” shots with my iPhone and ya know… even though they aren’t the highest quality images in the world, they sure do a good job of reminding me of how much fun we had down south and that’s all that matters! Right?! Right!

So, enjoy some of my “wanna-be professional” images from my iPhone and a visual recap of my time in NC!!! Thanks again to everyone who worked long, hard hours to make this conference a reality!!!

Loved seeing this sweet friend! Lara surprised the entire conference with a guest appearance and it was so exciting for all of the attendees!!!!!! We snuck away to go meet Lyndon!! The precious 10 day old addition to the Ray family! Will and Nancy… you are the most amazing parents to your sweet girls!!!  Also, thank you Holly Felts for the amazing professional shots of the week! These were a few favorites!  I mean…. the “reach”?? It just made my day!  Between Kat, her momma and Abby Grace… Evy was never not loved on! :)

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Connect Retreat Recap Connect 2017 | Winshape Retreat Center - Rome, GA https://katelynjames.com/blog/connect-retreat-recap-2/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/connect-retreat-recap-2/#respond Fri, 05 May 2017 17:53:55 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=125440 Have you ever had something in your life that you've looked back on and thought "Oh wow.... what would my life look like without this?!". That's what the Connect Retreat is like in our life. Years ago, we traveled down to GA to meet up with our dear friends Zach & Jody to brainstorm the idea of hosting a retreat for married couples in business together. 4 years later, I can honestly say that this retreat has provided a space and opportunities for God to grow and transform our marriage in the most amazing ways.

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I could write a novel on all that we’ve learned about ourselves, our past, our tendencies and the way we relate to each other, but I’ll just leave you with these thoughts….

  1. If you aren’t happy with the way things are in your marriage, you have to proactively pursue change… and 99% of the time, the change has to start with YOU. Trying to change your spouse will never lead to the change you ultimately want in your marriage… it will probably only aggravate the current reality that you’re living in.

  2. Your life is short. You have no idea how short it will be exactly, so why spend another 1, 2, or 10 years being unhappy in your marriage when things could be different?

  3. Being in business with your spouse seems glamorous, but it’s incredibly difficult and we have seriously contemplated not working together in the past because of the pain it caused in our marriage. Thank you Jesus for change!!!

  4. Having someone speak into your life and help you is humbling and WISE. Don’t shy away from getting advice or help because of your pride. Our entire marriage changed when we started allowing older and wiser friends to speak into our life!

  5. There is always HOPE. Always….. especially in Christ. After four years of hosting the Connect Retreat with the Gray’s we’ve seen COUNTLESS marriages back away from the ledge. We’ve seen couples have fun together for the first time in years. We’ve seen couples forgive, confess and repent for their past and decide to move forward and start new.

The beautiful thing about Connect is that it’s for marriages in crisis and marriages that are healthy… and everyone in between. I’m so thankful for where Michael and I are in our marriage and for the growth we’ve experienced over the last 4 years!!!! This year was extra special for us because we took Evy, and our best friends came for the first time and brought their baby, Knox! Our moms came with us to keep the babies and they were LIFESAVERS!!! We’re so thankful for them!! AND Evy went on her first FLIGHT and was awesome!! Thank goodness, because we’re taking her to Italy next week! Gah! Here are some iPhone memories from our time together this past week!!! Registration will open soon for 2018!!!

Annnd Evy is flicking off the camera.

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You’re Invited! Join us for the 2017 Turn It Up Conference! https://katelynjames.com/blog/youre-invited-2017-turn-it-up-conference/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/youre-invited-2017-turn-it-up-conference/#respond Mon, 13 Feb 2017 06:00:36 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=124798 You're invited!!!! Are you coming?! You totally should! Why? Because it's FREE and there are 14 amazing photographers sharing what has worked well for them and what they have learned from their experience in business! This is the game-changing stuff that allows people to get a peek into something other than their own business. When we see different perspectives and learn from one another, that's when we all become better! There is something awesome about a group of people coming together to give and share! You need to be a part of this!

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So when is it happening? It’s happening TONIGHT through February 17th, 2017! And who is speaking?! Well, take a look below! There are a TON of incredible friends and brilliant peers of ours who are going to be sharing, and I can’t wait for you to hear from them!

16443999_10158097873985487_1395934631_oThe fun thing is that I have the honor of actually doing a KEYNOTE presentation for the conference!!! Ah! I’m so honored and so excited! I’m speaking on:

“5 Ways to Overcome Ineffective Marketing”

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So if you’re struggling with a slower booking season, this keynote is for you.  And if you can’t make it to the rest of this online conference, at least save some time to watch this keynote on Thursday the 16th at 8pm EST!! We’ll see you there!!!


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I’m Speaking in Raleigh! Creative at Heart Conference Round 7 Raleigh https://katelynjames.com/blog/conference-for-creatives-round-7/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/conference-for-creatives-round-7/#respond Wed, 01 Feb 2017 13:40:06 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=124769 I honestly don't think I've seen her more excited about something since I got an email to photograph her own wedding!! The incredible Kat Schmoyer of Dear Sweetheart Events has been gearing up and planning what people are saying is going to be the BEST Creative at Heart Conference to DATE! Why is it so great? Well, honestly, I think that this has been a hard year for a lot a people. It's been a hard year for people in business and it's been a hard year for a lot of people personally. Kat has had challenges this past year, and we've had challenges this past year. While our challenges have been different, there is power in going through hard seasons and even MORE power in continuing to LEAD through hard seasons.

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I’m so proud of Kat because she’s taken a hard year and decided to lead, through the pain, and let God transform her heart. In the process of all of this, she’s created and planned a conference that has a renewed vision and a renewed purpose. The opportunity that she is creating, for creatives this coming summer, is something truly incredible. It would have been perfectly understandable for her to sit back and decide to keep her story to herself and to slowly back away from her leadership role. Instead, she’s chosen to turn the exact opposite direction, and she’s changing lives with her story and her passion for what she believes in. THAT is why I’m excited about this conference. Because it’s not only Kat who has taken challenges and has risen above them! EVERY single speaker at Creative at Heart Round 7 has done the same in their own way and with their own story. We all started somewhere… we all made mistakes…. we all wished we had made different choices at some point in our careers…. but we all have also done things right…and we’ve made GREAT decisions and we’ve launched amazing products, events and services… and we want to share the good, the bad and the ugly with you. Why? Because sharing our mess-ups and our victories empowers others to thrive. Running a business is hard work. There is a reason why most people don’t work for themselves and why 80% of those who try fail at it. It’s not easy. So take THREE DAYS and pour some love, heart, passion and knowledge into yourself and this business that you desperately don’t want to lose. You deserve to THRIVE and there is no reason why you can’t.

So what’s holding you back?! Registration opens TONIGHT (February 1st, 2017) at 8pm EST!! And . . . there is a webinar going live at 8pm as well for those who have questions that they want answered! You can signup/join in for the webinar HERE! 

For those who are ready to make a change, and have one incredible experience, you can REGISTER HERE once the clock strikes 8pm EST!!! There are only 50 spots TOTAL! That’s it! This isn’t a mega-conference! It’s small for a very intentional reason. Join us!! I can’t wait to see you there…. with our baby girl! ah! She better love conferences!! :)

Raleigh-Keynote-SpeakerSpecial thanks to the incredible SC Stock Shop for these images!!!

The post I’m Speaking in Raleigh! <span class="kj-subtitle">Creative at Heart Conference Round 7 Raleigh</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

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Quit Editing, Make Things Happen & a FREE Conference 3 things you NEED to know about!! https://katelynjames.com/blog/quit-editing-make-things-happen-a-free-conference/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/quit-editing-make-things-happen-a-free-conference/#respond Fri, 16 Sep 2016 04:30:12 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=122383 GUESS WHAT... I haven't edited a full wedding in YEARS. That's why there are so many other things happening in our business! You can't GROW if you are AT CAPACITY!! So why am I telling you this?! Because my PRIVATE EDITOR has done something absolutely incredible!! She has created a way to 1. EDUCATE and TRAIN other editors AND 2. She is about to launch a DIRECTORY for these editors to get connected with their photographers!! There is SUCH a need for this in our industry! I wish EVERYONE could have a bulk editing experience like us and now they CAN! EDIT SOURCE is launching soon and you don't want to miss it! Those who look into this and make this leap are going to experience SO much freedom and growth in their business!!! Here is some more info for you! :

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Edit Source is a website designed to connect photographers with private photo editors. It is easy for photographers to get bogged down editing, which limits their family time and leaves little room to grow their businesses. Outsourcing solves the problem of time and outsourcing directly to a private photo editor creates a 1-on-1 relationship that establishes consistency in meeting a photographer’s style. Edit Source helps photographers find a private editor through simple filters and listings that are free to browse and use to connect with their editor. Match your style and start a consistent relationship that gives you time to grow your business like never before at Edit Source!

QUIT EDITING and get your LIFE BACK with Edit-Source! 




If you think getting rid of the burden of your bulk editing is amazing, wait until you hear about THIS! We are speaking at a FREE ONLINE CONFERENCE next week with all of these incredible speakers! Hearing these amazing friends teach and speak in-person requires registration fees and travel expenses!! This free conference only requires that you’re online when it’s LIVE and you get to learn for FREE!! My greatest advice to growing photographers is to TAKE ADVANTAGE of FREE EDUCATION! It’s CRAZY not to! So join us next week by registering at the link below!

Ps. I’m speaking the 19th about “Getting Your Post-Wedding Workflow Dialed In!”!!! Don’t miss it!




You may have heard me talk about a conference that has been a game-changer for me and that conference is the Making Things Happen conference hosted by Lara Casey and an amazing team of other speakers! It’s literally unlike anything I have ever attended and the visions that I came up with just LAST YEAR during my time at this conference are happening ALREADY! It’s crazy!! If you need something to kick your butt into gear to make your big ideas come to life, this is it! This conference has happened over 40 TIMES because of the impact it has on the lives of its’ attendees! So join us in OCTOBER! NEXT MONTH! There are less than 8 SEATS LEFT and I actually have a CODE for $1000 OFF!! What?!

Use the code: MTHKATELYN to signup and get your $1000 off!!!



The post Quit Editing, Make Things Happen & a FREE Conference <span class="kj-subtitle">3 things you NEED to know about!!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

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Connect Retreat Recap Connect 2016 | Winshape Conference Center https://katelynjames.com/blog/marriage-retreat-for-couples-in-business/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/marriage-retreat-for-couples-in-business/#respond Tue, 10 May 2016 04:45:22 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=119071 Four years ago we flew down to Winshape Conference and Retreat Center in Rome, Georgia with Zach and Jody. We were in the midst of transitioning into becoming a husband and wife team and life just felt crazy. Fast forward 4 years later and life still feels crazy. We thought that that season was going to be our big season of growth. We learned some really big lessons about trust when Michael left his job at the church and joined me. Recently we learned a lot about trust when we bought land and then our house wouldn’t sell for over 10 months. We learned a lot about ourselves and our relationship with the Lord during those seasons.

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I think that I thought that since we just made it through a season of learning to trust, that we would be entering an “easy” season. You know…. those seasons when you just kind of “coast” along and nothing really pushes you, stretches you and makes you uncomfortable. Those are the seasons I like…. because they are easy. The problem is, those are the seasons that don’t move us anywhere. Our relationship with the Lord doesn’t grow, our relationship with each other doesn’t grow and we tend to become apathetic towards a lot of things. Well, after several months of being stretched and challenged in our marriage, we went to the Connect Marriage Retreat this past week and it confirmed that once again, God isn’t done with us yet.

In fact, that was the title of our talk that we gave and basically bawled through. We weren’t crying because we’re emotional and dramatic. We both cried because in these seasons of painful growth and exciting changes in our marriage, we can feel God moving more than normal…. and when you can feel God working in your life, it’s enough to move you to tears. The other crazy thing is that God has been using Michael and I DESPITE all of our shortcomings…. which blows my mind!!!

We serve a really BIG God…. and He has a much bigger plan than we could ever imagine for us and for our marriage. We just have to get rid of our pride and let Him have His way with us. We watched Him change so many lives and marriages this past week at Connect. It always blows my mind how much change can happen when couples just CHOOSE to focus on their marriage instead of letting everything else in life take over. It’s an HONOR to be a part of this retreat and I seriously cannot wait until next year!!!

One night we had a dinner outdoors and we had about 10 minutes before a big storm came to do a few couples portraits! I think I did portraits for like 10 couples in a matter of MINUTES!!! Here are some of my favorites!! Ps. If Connect sounds like something you and your husband need, don’t hesitate to sign up when registration opens! Sign up for the waiting list HERE!

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These two aren’t a couple…. obviously! But we do love us some Carissa!! We wish the Kennedy’s lived closer!

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Somehow these two made it into the “couples” post!! I just liked it!

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Thanks Tyler!

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This cute guy is 30!!!

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Check Out Another Connect Retreat HERE!

View Other Personal Posts Here! 

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3 Conferences, 3 Days, 3 States Highlights https://katelynjames.com/blog/making-things-happen-and-creative-at-heart-conferences/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/making-things-happen-and-creative-at-heart-conferences/#respond Wed, 30 Mar 2016 04:30:44 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=117749 This past week I spoke at THREE conferences in THREE DAYS in THREE STATES. What. were. we. thinking? I’ll tell you what we were thinking…. we booked Maine almost 8 months ago. Then we were asked to be a part of Creative Heart for Round Four! YAY!!! Then I got asked to speak at Making Things Happen and that’s such an honor as well …. and it’s all in the same weekend. So, because I married an amazing travel agent, we made it happen! I flew from Charleston to Maine, Maine to Baltimore and then drove from Annapolis to Chapel Hill. And I didn’t get sick and I wasn’t even that tired!

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It’s a miracle!! Last time I was in Chapel Hill I had pneumonia and so this trip seemed so easy!!! I wish that I could do a post for ALL THREE conferences but that would dominate a whole week on the blog and so I just wanted to share some highlights with you!!!!

MAINE PPA : This was such a new experience for us! New people, new backgrounds, new state, new relationships! We loved meeting all of these amazing photographers but two of my favorite parts of this trip were 1. Lunch with the most amazing Husband/Wife photography team… who are my parent’s age and they are KILLING IT! And 2. Dinner with our new friend Patty who was actually the one who invited us!!! Ps. The LOBSTER was a highlight too!

CREATIVE AT HEART | ROUND 4 : I love this community. It’s different than any other conference and I can’t really put my finger on why but I think it has a lot to do with the heart and the people! These are OUR PEOPLE! It literally feels like a big ol’ reunion every single time! I loved Round 4 because it was so intimate and intentional. I loved the space and the feel of the room! It was such a fun crowd and even though I was only there for Day One, I loved it so much that I had a hard time leaving!

MAKING THINGS HAPPEN: This was my first time going to MTH as a speaker! It still feels so weird to say that. I’m so VERY honored to be a part of this transformational experience. So many lives are changed during these two days. Some of my MTH highlights were: 1. Spending time with the amazing women who make this thing happen. I’m so amazed by them! 2. Getting to know Amber and Emily better!!! 3. Getting to hold sweet Millie Ray and meet Sarah, Lara’s newest family member!! 4. Rooming with the amazing Carrie Grace and 5. Getting to share pieces of our story with a room full of dreamers, doers and creatives!!!

For those of you who have never experienced in-person conferences, MTH and C@H are two incredible places to start!!!!

Happy Wednesday Friends!!!

To view other Speaking Recaps, click here! 

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Mountains, Marriage and Making a Mark A Delight House Intensive https://katelynjames.com/blog/a-newlywed-workshop/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/a-newlywed-workshop/#respond Thu, 11 Feb 2016 14:13:43 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=116984 I remember getting an email from Kristin over two years ago. She was asking for prayer because she knows that prayer is powerful. She was undertaking a massive project that was scary and would require so much sacrifice on her part. Kristin has a heart for young women and it’s so evident in how she loves them. Over two years ago God shocked her with a HOUSE that could be 100% dedicated to ministering to young women and after months of hard work, they formed...

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 The Delight House!

I’ve been trying to be a part of a Delight Retreat or intensive for years now and the timing was finally right this year. Kristin and I chatted back in November and we made plans to make this happen!! Michael and I spent the last three days in the middle of the mountains of Washington State with this incredible family. They welcomed us into their home and allowed us to be a part of their lives. This comes naturally to them because their entire life consists of serving and opening up their home to others. It’s a beautiful thing to witness a husband and wife who have not only given their hearts to the Lord but have also given their kids, their home and their SPACE to the Lord too.

Opening up your home 24/7 to anyone in need isn’t for everyone… but every now and then you meet amazing people like John and Kristin who have been gifted with heavenly hospitality. And I don’t mean “Heavenly” like their floors are made of gold… I mean “Heavenly” in the sense that they love like we’re going to love in heaven one day. They are selfless and focused on God’s unique call on their life and it’s just awesome! And the best part? They’ve taught their kids to love like that too. MAJOR parent points!! Michael and I are taking notes for one day when we have teenagers of our own! I think everyone dreams of their life, their family and their marriage leaving a beautiful MARK on this world and the Walls have definitely accomplished that already. :)

We were so thankful to have a space to stay at the Wall’s house but it was awesome to be able to walk right up the street to the Delight House each day and be a part of the intensive. Michael got to ride snowmobiles, shoot guns and play video games while us girls talked about the good, the bad and all of the HARD parts of marriage!! It was an amazing time for both of us!! I left my time with these amazing women feeling encouraged and not alone. Michael and I have a beautiful marriage but it’s far from perfect and it’s so refreshing to know that we’re not alone!! My time with these women reminded me that we were created for community and vulnerability!! This “Cultivating the Heart of a Wife” intensive was so perfectly timed for us and I’m so honored that we had a chance to be a part of it! I cherished this time with these amazing women!!!

Enjoy a few iPhone pictures from our time up in Washington and THANK YOU to Kristin for loving us, caring for us and allowing us to be a part of their lives!!! We love you all!


Loved meeting so many amazing women!! Lauren was one of them! Why do we live half of a country apart?!

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Michael was Emily’s su-chef! :)

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They grow them apples BIG in the PNW!

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Loved getting to see this sweet girl’s little bump at the beginning of her pregnancy!! ah!

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To view the beginning of our trip to Palm Springs, click here! 

To view other personal posts, click here! 

The post Mountains, Marriage and Making a Mark <span class="kj-subtitle">A Delight House Intensive</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

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A Palm Springs Getaway And Why We Spoke at An Asphalt Conference https://katelynjames.com/blog/a-palm-springs-weekend-getaway/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/a-palm-springs-weekend-getaway/#respond Tue, 09 Feb 2016 08:20:30 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=116959 We spoke at my dad’s church about a year ago. We shared about our business but more importantly we shared our story about Michael leaving his job at our church in order to join me. That was such a hard season of our life because there was so much unknown. We didn’t know what God was trying to do. We didn’t know WHY we felt like Michael needed to join me and not be a youth pastor anymore…all we knew was that God was moving in our hearts and in our life and we were just trusting that He was going to do something with us!

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Three years later we can honestly say that we’ve seen God do so much more than we ever dreamed of through our little business. He’s constantly reminding us that we weren’t given this business just to take pictures. He has a greater purpose for careers and he does ministry in the marketplace just as often as He does ministry in a church setting!! This is the story that we told to a group of business men and women in the Asphalt industry this past Sunday morning! The Asphalt industry you say?? Yes. Like pavement…. pot holes…. asphalt!! After sharing our story with our home church, we were invited to share our story at a worship service at an asphalt conference outside of Palm Springs, CA and we agreed to go! It was awesome and you know what….. people working in the asphalt industry can change just as many lives as people in the wedding industry!!

We absolutely loved our time speaking and we’re so thankful for Richard inviting us all the way to CA!!! Not only did we have a blast speaking, we also got to meet up with our sweet friends Aimee and Troy!!! They drove out for a few days and it was so great to just get to sit and relax with people that GET us!!! This industry is huge and we know a lot of people… but you can only truly get to know a handful of people on a deeper level and we’re so thankful to have those type of friendships!! These are the type of friendships that make you want to cancel flights and spend another 3 days by the pool with nothing to do but talk and catch some rays! (well… I don’t catch rays, I burn and reflect!!)

Enjoy some iPhone photos from our little getaway to Palm Springs!!!!

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Superbowl Sunday!! …. The Girls went shopping!

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Want to Know Where All We’ve Traveled? Click HERE!

Be Sure to Check Out Our Other Speaking Dates for 2016!

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Where to Find Us in Spring 2016! Speaking Dates https://katelynjames.com/blog/katelyn-james-early-2016-speaking-dates/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/katelyn-james-early-2016-speaking-dates/#respond Thu, 21 Jan 2016 05:30:28 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=116797 It’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year again. We’re prepping for new weddings, new schedules, new trips, new ideas for the Collection, new speaking engagements!! I thought it would be helpful to see all of our speaking locations in one place! When I look at this list, I really can’t express how honored I am to be a part of these events. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was gearing up for my very first WPPI Platform talk and I was so nervous! I get nervous just thinking about it!! Speaking of WPPI….

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We are sadly not going to be there this year. So much has changed since we started going to that conference 7 years ago and after a lot of thought and advice from some friends and mentors, we decided to take this year off. We were planning on being there but we think staying home that week would actually be better for us. Our February and March are a little crazy and so it was VERY freeing to delete a whole week of travel off of the calendar! Instead of heading to WPPI, we’ll be working at home to launch our second round of the KJ Consistency Course! AHH!!! We’ve been freaking out over the response and requests that we have been receiving and so we’re working hard to make it available again!

To find out more about the KJ Consistency Course, CLICK HERE! If you’re interested in having access to our second round of the course, CLICK HERE to join a specific mailing list so that you’ll be the first to know when it’s available!

Below you’ll find a list of speaking events that we’re so excited about but I wanted to highlight a few SPECIFIC EVENTS really quick! One event is ONLINE and it’s FREE and the other two events are smaller local events in Maine and South Carolina!! :

A Free Online Learning Event with Katelyn James

First, if you’re a photographer that has INTERNET, you should be signed up for this!!! It’s FREE! Why the heck not?! The TURNITUP Conference is going to be absolutely amazing. The lineup is just insane and it’s an honor to speak alongside these incredible people who are also our friends!! And the best part? It’s all online and you can watch and learn in your yoga pants!! I would be thrilled if you joined us!! CLICK HERE TO SIGNUP!  It’s happening next week!!!

I also wanted to invite any of you southerners out there to join us at the South Carolina Photo Convention!! We’re so excited to go somewhere a bit warmer!! (especially since the forecast is calling for 2 feet of snow this weekend!!! ah! I’m actually really excited about that!:) So this conference is a new adventure of us but we’re thrilled to be meeting some new friends who probably have accents like I do!! ha! CLICK HERE TO SIGNUP!

Also, before I go and let you check out the list below, I want to highlight two conferences that will pull at your heart strings, but will also send you home with passion, purpose, and determination!! If you’re in the DC, Annapolis, Baltimore area… really ANY northern location… you should join us for the Creative at Heart Conference!! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! This will be my FOURTH C@H conference and I can’t wait!!

For all of you southerners out there with big dreams that feel completely STUCK, the MAKING THINGS HAPPEN conference is for you! I was an attendee this past year and I was just blown away! This year I’m SPEAKING and I’m so honored!! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!

Katelyn James Workshop Experience: Feb 1-2 SOLD OUT

SC Photo Convention: Feb 20-23

Floral Collective Conference : Feb 29

Maine PPA Convention: March 18-20

Creative at Heart Annapolis : March 20-22

Making Things Happen : March 21-22

Pursuit : April 4-7

Connect Retreat : May 2-5

Creative at Heart Denver : July 24-25

Creative at Heart Memphis: Nov. 13-14

If you can’t make it to our speaking events, we have resources for you in THE STORE

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A Different Kind of Speaking Event Delight Retreat for Newly Engaged & Newlywed Women https://katelynjames.com/blog/delight-newlywed-workshop/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/delight-newlywed-workshop/#respond Mon, 21 Dec 2015 05:30:20 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=115659 We have REALLY exciting news!! We have had some amazing opportunities to speak over the course of the last 3 years but this is unlike anything we have ever done before. I have been PRAYING for a chance to pour into marriages and young women and this is such an answered prayer!! I am THRILLED to announce that we’re going to be a part of our very first DELIGHT Retreat!!! Ah!! All the way in the mountains of WASHINGTON!!

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Ever since Michael (my husband and high school sweetheart) walked away from his job as a youth pastor to join me in our business3, I have prayed that I would be able to still reach young women in some way in the photography industry. Being a part of a Delight Retreat has always been a distant dream but I knew that the chances of both of us going all the way to the PNW would be slim. We would literally have to travel across the entire country and our schedules would need to align perfectly…. the only way that it would happen would be because God wanted it to happen. So, now that you know that, you can understand my excitement as I FINALLY get to announce that Michael and I ARE HEADING TO THE DELIGHT HOUSE!!!!! This is an answered prayer and something that we are so looking forward to!

We’re going to be spending a few days at the Delight House to teach and lead a workshop for SEVEN young women. We’re focusing on what it looks like to cultivate the heart of a wife and I’m SO thankful that Michael gets to be a part of this too! We definitely don’t know everything about marriage…. we’re only 5 years in! However, in those five years, we have seen God teach and change our marriage in some beautiful ways.

I’m so excited to share some time, stories and our heart with these amazing women! This retreat is coming quick! It’s in FEBRUARY and so if you’re a young, engaged woman who wants to invest in your future marriage before it begins OR if you’re a newlywed, SIGN UP before all 7 spots are gone!!

Michael and I are praying specifically for the women who will be spending this intentional time with us in February and we are thrilled to be a part of this! We SO wish that we had invested in our marriage in this way when we were engaged and newlyweds!!!!!!

Photo by the talented Alicia Lacey Photography!

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Relaxing in Low Country! Creative at Heart Charleston & A Mini-Vacay! https://katelynjames.com/blog/speaking-and-shooting-in-charleston-south-carolina/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/speaking-and-shooting-in-charleston-south-carolina/#respond Tue, 24 Nov 2015 05:30:10 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=115044 A couple of years ago I had NEVER stepped foot in Charleston! It was a magical place that I had only heard about. The last several years, I have visited Charleston at least once or twice a year and I’m loving it! The food, the old homes, the spanish moss, the shopping! It’s one of my favorite places to travel to! This time we were visiting Charleston for a very exciting purpose! Creative at Heart ROUND 3!! I seriously can’t believe C@H has only been around for less than a year!

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It seems like this conference has been in existence forever! We absolutely love the community that is involved in this amazing conference!! If you’re a creative of ANY kind, this conference is a “must-attend” event to add to your list! There are so many incredible speakers that cover a ton of different topics. It’s not about photography… it’s about growing as a creative small business owner! The exciting news is that CREATIVE ROUND FOUR has been announced!! Annapolis, Maryland we’re coming for you!!!! REGISTRATION OPENS NOVEMBER 30TH!!

Creative at Heart was our last conference of the season (technically) and so I didn’t hold back during my talk. I always get self-conscious when this happens because sometimes I worry that I’m a little too intense.. or too emotional.. or too in your face… I don’t know! It’s just a vulnerable place to be in when you share your heart with a room of 100 people. Every time I feel like I share a little too much of my heart… I just have to remember that this opportunity was given to me for a reason and what I shared came from a genuine place. What I love the most about this conference is that I’m not the only one who speaks… Michael speaks too! Michael shares about some of the foundational beliefs we have about finances and while finances aren’t the most exciting thing to share about, Michael does an amazing job of making this topic relatable and impactful!!!

After the conference, we actually shared two days together with some dear friends in a quaint air B&B condo!!! It was a blast! Michael and I have struggled the last two years with the fact that we know that we’re called to speak and impact people in this way but this means that we’ve missed church at home. It breaks our heart that we can’t be as involved as we used to be because we’ve been gone so many weekends.

However, God has been so gracious to us because he’s given us such an amazing community within this industry. We’re so thankful for these amazing friends who love the Lord, who draw us closer to Him each time we’re with them and who challenge and encourage us in so many ways!! What a gift. In the midst of feeling like we’re missing out on community at home, God has given us community right where we are…. and we’re so thankful. :)

Enjoy a little peek into this sweet time in low country!!!

Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country!

We took a carriage ride and it was AWESOME! I’m not even a history lover but I loved it!

Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country!

Totally stole these next shots from Amy and Jordan’s NEW blog! Check it out HERE!

Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country!  Creative at Heart in Charleston!Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country!  View More: http://amyandjordan.pass.us/charleston Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country!  View More: http://amyandjordan.pass.us/charleston

Then Michael and I had some afternoon fun with The Herrintons and we went to Magnolia Plantation!

Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country!

Just PREPARE yourself!! These next few portraits are epic! …. If I do say so myself!

Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits by Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography

Gah!!! Obsessed! So risky, so worth it!

Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Magnolia Plantation Portraits | Katelyn James Photography Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country!  View More: http://amyandjordan.pass.us/charleston

iPhone fun!

Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country!  View More: http://amyandjordan.pass.us/charleston Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country! Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country!  Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country!  Charleston Travels. Must see tourist locations, site seeing in Low Country!


To view our other Travel Adventures, click HERE!

Here are a few of our favorites : Australia, Alaska, The Desert

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Repetition & A Recap Come Together Phoenix Recap https://katelynjames.com/blog/photography-education-in-phoenix/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/photography-education-in-phoenix/#respond Thu, 22 Oct 2015 06:30:15 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=113968 What makes you most nervous?? For me, there is a whole list. One thing that makes me nervous and have a knot in my stomach is having to cook dinner for someone and something else that makes me feel sick is SPEAKING. Yep. I get nervous…. every time. Without fail, I ALWAYS get a knot in my stomach and start looking for the nearest bathroom just in case... EVERY time I have to prepare a talk and get in front of people. It’s crazy. I’ve done this SO. MANY. TIMES. Why can’t I just get a grip?! Because I’m human and failure is a real thing.

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I’ve bombed talks. I’ve derailed from outlines. I’ve had a shaky voice. I’ve lost my place and scrambled…. and I remember EVER SINGLE FAILURE before I speak. It’s a horrible pattern. However, I have learned this week the secret to growing and slowly overcoming the nerves is just to DO IT AGAIN. and AGAIN. I spoke at Pursuit two weeks ago, then I spoke to almost 250 people at UNITED this week and then we hosted our Come Together Phoenix event last night and I noticed something…. I’m getting better. I’m not getting better at speaking … I’m getting better at the freak out. I’m getting better at not feeling sick before I get in front of people. It’s amazing what happens when you step into the danger zone over and over again…. it becomes less dangerous… less scary… less overwhelming.  So here’s to the reward of repetition. If you’re in a season where you’re freaking out… it may not be as dramatic as looking for the nearest bathroom but if you’re ready to overcome a certain fear in your life, my best advice is, in the words of NIKE, just do it. Go for it…. because each time will be easier and each time will make you grow!!

Last night’s Come Together Event was a blast. Over 50 photographers from Utah to New Mexico drove in to gather together in Scottsdale for an evening of education, laughs… and PIZZA. We saw old friends, met new friends and spent the evening sharing some of our favorite aspects of our business. I think my favorite part of the event was being with a more intimate group and getting to share some stories that I’ve never shared outside of our workshops. I also loved getting to do this alongside some of our dearest friends. We joke that Jordan and Amy just “get us” but they truly do in every sense of the phrase. They enjoy sharing life and education with people in the same way that we do and it’s an absolute joy to do it TOGETHER.  I can’t promise ANYTHING… our schedules are crazy… but in the future, if we were to host another Come Together event, let us know what cities should be possibilities!!!! Happy Thursday!

Come together phoeniz photography education_5655

To view the Come Together Hashtag, click HERE!

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UNITED 2015 Big Hair, Black Ties & Big Hearts https://katelynjames.com/blog/united-2015-conference/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/united-2015-conference/#respond Wed, 21 Oct 2015 12:51:52 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=113957 The beautiful thing about traveling to all of the these crazy conferences is that when we get there, we feel like we’re at a family reunion. Over the last 3-4 years we’ve grown strong friendships with such dear friends and peers in the industry. We count down the days until each time we get to see each other and we pick up where we left off immediately. These people get us. They get our insecurities, our fears, our struggles, our dreams. They understand our crazy schedules and don’t judge us for them. They see when we’re overwhelmed and they know how to make it better. They pray with us before we walk on stage and they’re vulnerable about where they are in life.

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Friends are a gift. It’s sad that some of ours are placed all over the country but it makes weeks like this so special. Michael and I are so thankful for these friends that make us feel alive, who encourage us and who inspire us to keep fighting the good fight. :) Enjoy some iPhone shots of our FANCY NIGHT!!! And just WAIT until you see J&M at the bottom! What a fun night at the UNITED CONFERENCE!!!! So honored to be a part of this community as a fellow photographer AND a speaker!!!A Veritas Winery Wedding in Charlottesville Virginia Photos_5653A Veritas Winery Wedding in Charlottesville Virginia Photos_5652

For those that asked about my hair… yes, I did it myself. And no, it’s not a pretty process. Take a look at that first pic! yikes!!

A Veritas Winery Wedding in Charlottesville Virginia Photos_5651

And THIS is what you have to look forward to! Justin Marantz is AMAZING!!!! Just wait until you see these incredible portraits! (Ps. Matt Kennedy took this one!)


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It’s Happening TODAY! CreativeLive Photo Week Today 4:15 EST https://katelynjames.com/blog/creativelive-marketing-course-photo-week/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/creativelive-marketing-course-photo-week/#respond Mon, 21 Sep 2015 04:30:07 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=112678 I really can’t believe it’s GO time already!! I feel like it was just last week that we got the call from CreativeLive asking if we would be a part of Photo Week! Well! It’s HERE! Today at 4:15pm EST, I’m going LIVE and I’m freaking out!! I don’t care if I only have 20 people watching and most of those 20 consist of family members… it’s still nerve racking to fly all the way to Seattle for 24 hours just for a 90min presentation! It better be GOOD!

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I’m speaking on Creating Community and if you’ve never heard this talk, you should most definitely watch for FREE today at 4:15pm EST! You can be a part of it by CLICKING HERE!!!

If you’re the praying type… I’d appreciate prayers for clarity, confidence and a boost of energy!!!! :) So thankful for those of you who are going to join in this afternoon!!!

CLICK HERE to watch LIVE for FREE!

Screenshot 2015-09-20 08.23.57

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 225. “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The post It’s Happening TODAY! <span class="kj-subtitle">CreativeLive Photo Week Today 4:15 EST</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

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The Come Together Event Hits the Road! We're Heading to Arizona! https://katelynjames.com/blog/live-educational-event-for-small-business-in-arizona/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/live-educational-event-for-small-business-in-arizona/#respond Mon, 07 Sep 2015 04:05:56 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=112196 The Rising Tide recently did an Instagram challenge week and it went viral!! It was awesome!! I loved seeing everyone get involved. However, my FAVORITE posts were on the day when they encouraged their followers to tag a fellow creative that they loved and were thankful for!! And you want to know what a common thread was on my feed? There were TONS of creatives sharing pictures of their new friends that they met at our first COME TOGETHER EVENT!!!!

The post The Come Together Event Hits the Road! <span class="kj-subtitle">We're Heading to Arizona!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

How amazing is that?! This little event that we dreamed up with Amy and Jordan turned into a huge success with over 130 small business owners!! It also became a catalyst for so many new friendships and growth in the industry! We loved hosting this event so much that we have decided to host another one!!! IN ARIZONA!!!!

That’s right, we’re hitting the road!

So if you’re within driving distance of SCOTTSDALE, AZ, and you own a small business that is in need of some marketing growth, JOIN US!! If you aren’t sure if this is for you… more than likely, it is…. you just need a little kick in the butt to make yourself go! Putting yourself out there and attending something IN-PERSON always takes some extra motivation… but let me tell you, it’s life-changing. Don’t believe me?! Just read through some of these instagrams from our first #cometogetherevent!

Here’s some more information about the event! We can’t wait to hug some west coast friends new and old in October!!

Wednesday, October 21st
The Clayton on the Park
7343 E Scottsdale Mall
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Meet & Mingle
4:00 – 5:00
Amy & Jordan
Size Doesn’t Matter: Do More with Less on Social Media
5:00 – 6:30
Dinner: Pizza Party
6:30 – 7:00
Katelyn James
Blogging: A Small Business’s Secret Weapon
7:00 – 8:30
Live Panel Q&A w/ Katelyn and Amy & Jordan
8:30 – 9:00

Per Person only $149
* First 50 Seats for a very special $99!
(we have a FEW left!)

Registration is open!!!!
(Ps. This is the most affordable live educational event we’ve ever offered!)

To view our recap from our LAST Come Together Event, click HERE!

To view our last trip to AZ, check out PART ONE and PART TWO!

The post The Come Together Event Hits the Road! <span class="kj-subtitle">We're Heading to Arizona!</span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

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Come Together Event LIVE! Surprise!! You can ALL be a part of this! https://katelynjames.com/blog/come-together-event-live/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/come-together-event-live/#respond Fri, 12 Jun 2015 16:38:13 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=108924 Wow. That's about all that I can muster up right now. Maybe it's because I'm exhausted, maybe it's because I don't have a voice left or maybe it's because yesterday's COME TOGETHER event absolutely BLEW US AWAY! We can't believe the amount of energy and excitement that filled the room last night! Over 130 creatives came together to experience a once in a life time educational event with us and Jordan and Amy!

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We don’t know if we’ll ever have the chance do this again but let me say this, the response that we are receiving this morning through instagram, emails and texts is overwhelming! …. In a good way! For many, this was their FIRST educational event to attend, EVER! For others, they say they learned more in 4 hours than they have learned in 4 conferences combined! We loved this event because it was a chance for SO many to experience a piece of both of our educational experiences in ONE NIGHT in the SAME PLACE! The excitement was contagious and the amount of hugs I gave in one night broke a new record I think!

So the EXCITING NEWS is that we have a SURPRISE for you! We received so many emails and messages about how much people wanted to come but they just couldn’t make it out here.  Some couldn’t come because of childcare… some couldn’t come because of the distance… and some couldn’t come because the timing just didn’t align with their schedules. For all of those that wished that they could have learned from us in those 4 hours last night, you won’t miss out! …. Like I said, we have a SURPRISE for you!!!!!!

WE RECORDED IT!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!

We didn’t just record it to get you a snippet of what it was like, we recorded the entirety of BOTH talks!! And they are going to be available for ANYONE and EVERYONE on Sunday evening via our newsletter and A&J’s newsletter!! You just have to be signed up for ONE and you’ll get the link to access COME TOGETHER LIVE sent right to your inbox! It’s important to signup for the newsletter because the FIRST 99 will be able to experience the COME TOGETHER event for only $99! Our email list is growing rapidly these days and so we aren’t sure how long those 99 spots will last so if you’re ready to get your socks knocked off, grab it as soon as you see it enter your inbox!! This purchase is affordable but the content is MASSIVE! We’re talking 2 TWO-HOUR TALKS! You’re going to need to block off a good chunk of time to watch these through!!

We’re so excited about this because it means that the amazing time that we had last night is now ACCESSIBLE FOR ALL!!!! So if you’re interested in this and you’re NOT on our newsletter list, be sure to SIGN UP HERE so that you don’t miss the $50 discount!!! (Ps. If you’re new to our list, you’ll be getting a free EBOOK as a “Welcome” gift when you signup!! Enjoy!)

If you’re a little unsure about what this is all about, all you need to do is view the COME TOGETHER HASHTAG and we’ll let the attendees do the talking! :) Reading through this hashtag just blows me away every time! So get excited and MARK YOUR CALENDARS for Sunday at 12pm EST when COME TOGETHER LIVE is released and the first 99 will receive the whole event for $99!

And last but not least, we have to thanks some people who were our saving grace!!! Michael really is the reason this whole event happened! He planned it all and we are so thankful for his administrative gifts!!!!! Bobbi (my mother-in-law), Annamarie (sweet friend of ours, past KJ Bride and incredible photog!!), Corey (my brother) and The Herrinton’s ALL made this a possibility and we’re beyond grateful for each one of them!!




The post Come Together Event LIVE! <span class="kj-subtitle">Surprise!! You can ALL be a part of this! </span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

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Two FREE Webinars! Join us in June! It's FREE! https://katelynjames.com/blog/free-growing-your-business-through-blogging-webinar/ https://katelynjames.com/blog/free-growing-your-business-through-blogging-webinar/#respond Wed, 03 Jun 2015 04:00:20 +0000 https://katelynjames.com/?p=108566 There was a point when I thought our June was going to be quiet this year! We have a weekend off and that NEVER happens in June! That’s right in the heart of wedding season! However, June has actually turned out to be the furthest thing from quiet! We’re SO excited to share that if you’re not in VA or the surrounding areas, you can still learn from us LIVE this month! YAY!

The post Two FREE Webinars! <span class="kj-subtitle">Join us in June! It's FREE! </span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

We’ve been invited to be a part of not one but TWO FREE WEBINARS! It’s going to be awesome!! If you’re around on June 10th and June 17th, you should join us! (Ps. If you ARE in the area, you should join us AND Amy and Jordan Demos for a LIVE educational event COME TOGETHER, June 11th!)

So what are these free webinars all about? Well, let me tell you!

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We’re teaming up with Matt and Carissa Kennedy for a Webinar all about “5 WAYS YOU MIGHT BE LOSING CLIENTS!” This information is coming from our own experience over the last 7 years in business. I have learned so much through super busy seasons AND slower seasons as well! We’re excited to share this free information with you because it could help you tremendously if you’re experiencing the following things:

– Slower growth than you expected
– You aren’t booking your desired amount of clients
– You’re getting inquiries with no response

Want to join in?! You can signup HERE! Limited spots available!

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If you’re reading this… you’re probably a BLOG follower! :) If you have been following along for a while you should know that we really appreciate you! More than you know! If you want to learn about how NECESSARY my blog is to my business, you can learn all about it at our FREE WEBINAR with Shoot Dot Edit!! We’ll be covering the following:
– Why Blogging isn’t dead and how it can transform your business!
– Tips for creating great content!
– Why consistency matters!

Want to join us?! You can signup HERE!

We can’t wait to see you online!! If you think a friend would enjoy this too, share your little heart out!! :)

The post Two FREE Webinars! <span class="kj-subtitle">Join us in June! It's FREE! </span> appeared first on Katelyn James | Online Educator for Photographers and Entrepreneurs.

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